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Making a Perk Question, Need Help If Possible


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Your perk would be set as an "ability" which gives you a dropdown menu of the "actor effects" so you'd have to create a scripted actor effect where the script changes the game values using Begin ScriptEffectStart

Edited by ashtonlp101
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Many NVSE commands are carried over from FO3 to FNV. They likely just reused the FO3 Wiki page for FNC.


Here is my home page for FNV scripting: Main_Page


On the right, there are two links I the most:


If you click on the Scripting header, you can find many things including BlockTypes for the various vanilla and user added block types available.


If you click on 12 Complete List of Functions in Fallout New Vegas, you will see all functions available up to the point they abandoned updating the Wiki.


To create a startup quest to run on startup do this:


1. Create a new quest.

  1. Check Start Game Loaded
  2. Set the Script Processing Delay to 1.0 (I don't want it to take up to the default of 5 seconds to run the script. 1 second is good enough for my purposes, but you can set it to less if you want. I have another one that is set to 0.5 seconds.

2. Create a new quest script:


Here's one of mine, where I fix the hard core timescale problem (on game startup or whenever the player changes the timescale) and add some keypress event handlers to display some things or just to be able to turn TCL on/off:

scn RFHardcoreRatesVTimescaleQuestScript

int   TSNow
int restarted
float pct
float ThirstRate
float HungerRate
float SleepRate
int rads
float currentTime
int hour
int min
int TCL_ON

begin gamemode
set restarted to GetgameLoaded + GetgameRestarted
if restarted
  SetOnKeyUpEventHandler RFDisplayNeedsStatsUDF 1 35
  SetOnKeyUpEventHandler RFToggleTCLUDF 1 209
  PrintC "RFHardcoreRatesVTimescaleQuestScript - Registered key event handlers"
if restarted || TSNow != TimeScale
  set TSnow to TimeScale
  set pct to 30.0 / TSNow
  ;PrintC "------------ STARTUP STATS at %2.2f -----" tod
  set ThirstRate to pct * 10.0
  SetNumericGameSetting fHCDehydrationRate ThirstRate
  ;PrintC "fHCDehydrationRate set to: %2.2f" ThirstRate
  set SleepRate to 50.0 * pct
  SetNumericGameSetting fHCSleepDeprivationRate SleepRate
  PrintC "fHCSleepDeprivationRate set to: %2.2f" SleepRate
  set HungerRate to 25.0 * pct
  SetNumericGameSetting fHCStarvationRate HungerRate
  ;PrintC "fHCStarvationRate set to: %2.2f" HungerRate
Edited by GamerRick
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