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Won't start with DLC

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Hi guys, rhansk for your advices.


Following Prensa's and M48A5's .ini tweak and disabling G4WL with the FOMM tweak, I managed to get the game running (at least the opening video scene and until the character's 1st steps in the vault). I made this 1st try without installing the DLCs.


But I still get pop-ups in the background, probably from my CPU, flashing too fast for me to be able to read what they say (nVidia GTX 660).


And yes, I had chosen custom install and just downloaded the latest 1.7 update (haven't installed it yet).


I was thinking of installing the DLC's through FOMM, starting with Point Lookout 1st, doing them one by one until my game is stable enough. But form what I read in the G4WL tweak in FOMM, it does not work with DLC's, what's your experience with that? Also, G4WL recommends to lower textures to medium for smoother running, do I really need to do that? I mean, my rig can run in Ultra, so I'd love to avoid lowering textures if I can.


Another question, if I may: I'm trying to format my resolution to 16/10 or 16/9 to avoid unnatural graphic distortions, I suppose I can try and do that in the .ini too. Any advice?


Many thanks to you all, you're very, very helpful :)



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Make sure you install the 1.7 patch before installing the DLC. You do not need to use FOMM to install the DLC. I don't even know if you can use FOMM. Just install the DLC and they will show up in your load order. The DLCs should be installed in order of release, Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Zeta. They can be played in any order you please. Don't forget, when the DLC are added they change different parts of the base game and any dlc loaded before them. Installing out of order may or may not cause problems. Don't worry about the G4WL, it works.

Also, at the top of FOMM is a tab for Game Settings. Use this to adjust your Graphics settings, including resolution and aspect ratio.

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M48A5, man, you help is precious!.. Thanks for your tips and guidance. Okay, I'll be careful to install DLC's in the release order. I have not installed them yet, I had trouble to solve with gamepley commands first. And yes, I saw that I could resize my screen resolution and ratio with FOMM, which I did - thanks to the Nexus again, you guys are incredibly helpful.


So I managed to play alright till I reached Megaton and disarmed the bomb.


I have another pb now: I cannot use console command. tilden key has no effect at all. I checked in all .ini files and the line "bAllowConsole" was already set to 1, in FALLOUT.INI, in FalloutPrefs.ini as well as in Fallout_Default.ini. Still nothing. I'm sure I'm using the right key (French keyboard) because it works perfectly fine with Skyrim. Am I missing something?


Thanks again, man :)

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I tried to find an image of a French keyboard without much luck. If you use the standard qwerty keyboard, the English tilde (~) key is on the left, above the "Tab" and to the left of "1", just below the "Esc" key. You might want to try the one on your keyboard that corresponds with the English one.

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Hoamaii - Hello!


"I have another pb now: I cannot use console command. tilden key has no effect at all."

There are some possible solutions at bottom of this page under "Bugs":


Also here:


If none of that works for you, there's this mod that may help:

Console Key Binder by Quarn (requires FOSE)


Also there is this:


Hope this helps!


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Thanks again for your answer M48 :)


Tilde key is in the same place on the French keyboard as on the English one actually (under "esc" and right of "1") only the sign differs which is "2" insteal of "~". Trouble is, I think, I am trying to make it work while I'm using a gamepad emulator - in Skyrim, both work fine together, but possibly in Fallout you must pick one or the other, keyboard or gamepad. I'm pretty sure there's line to edit in one of these ini files to be able to enable both together... I'll keep on looking...


Cheers, man, and thanks again!

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Hoamaii - Hello!


"I'll check these links and let you know"


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :)





Loganastephens - Hello!

Hmmm... I'm puzzled.

I do know my Fallout 3 only likes my sound card (Creative) to be in Game mod when run.

I don't know what sound card you have but if it's Creative like mine, switch it to Game Mode.

This can normally be done by going down to the hidden icons in the Taskbar, there should be a "Volume Panel" that you can right click on to reveal an option to switch mode.

It may be different if you have another sound card.

You can also often change audio mode by opening the Audio card's control panel, found in the Start programs menu in a folder named for your audio card (example, mines in a "Creative" folder).

It's worth a shot.

Also check to see if you have ffdshow, it's a codec package with an adjustable user interface to allow tweaking.

It's used & often installed by many video or audio programs.

Because it's packaged with something else it's often not realised that it's even there.

It can cause trouble with Fallout 3's handling of sound files if it's installed & should be added to it's list of programs not to be used with.

It'll show up in your list of programs, go to your Start menu - All programs & locate a folder called:

ffdshow - Audio Decoder Configuration

Make sure Fallout 3 is on the list in DirectShow Control - Don't use ffdshow in.

If you cannot locate it, don't worry you probably don't have it installed.

Some people have found this .dll helps to get their Fallout 3 working, worth a shot:


Hope this helps!


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