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Rideable Furniture?


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The Setup and Problems

I plan to make something about space travel, so I need a space ship that can move on a XY plane.


Looking at the various driveable mods, they all seem to use custom races and extremely complicated scripts to work and to get into it.


So I thought why not forcing the player into a suspended state and give him a giant helmet that looks like a spaceship, since it doesn't require complicated wheel movement, etc..


But then again forcing somebody into furniture disables the movement option


So has anyone done moving furniture or should I be less lazy?!

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You can use a moveable static and refattach stuff to it, like a pilot's seat furniture or whatever. And then call TranslateTo() to move it all abouts.

DieFem made a pilotable boat using this technique, if memory serves right.


As for reading the keyboard, I don't think it's possible w/o F4SE. Even with F4SE, there are some limitations, apparently.

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Did you look at the flyable dragon mods on Skyrim SE? There is one that works very simply by disabling gravity - utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",Gravity)

when flying the 'furniture'. They just attach the player, set the furniture to motion_keyframed and move it around by setposition. If it works on SSE then it may work on FO4

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At Niston: Thanks. While it might not come in handy for a controllable spaceship it will certainly do for cable cars. Although maybe using DieFems technique there might be some way


At PJMail: I don't have Skyrim nor SE so I can not investigate. What does "motion_keyframed" mean?

Also disabling havok is nice but then you can't fire projectiles

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You've got to set Keyframed motion type on your moveable statics, if you want to move them around with TranslateTo(). If you don't, they'll just warp into place, without any visible transition. Setting it means that the object's motion is no longer governed by Havok physics.

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You don't need Skyrim. As Nexus members you can download Skyrim Mods, and as Skyrim SE is based on the same engine/Papyrus as FO4, techniques they use should work in FO4.


Disabling Havok, as niston says, is so you can move around your furniture however you like (making it move without requiring animation files). You can still fire weapons (as the player's Havok is not disabled - they are just 'attached' to furniture that is).


The disabling gravity is an alternative as it allows your furniture (with havok) to fly in straight lines by just applying a havok impulse - ie. like a rocket.

Most gunfire is hitscan anyway so totally ignores gravity - so firing with no gravity shouldn't make a difference.

The only issue is when you are near to the ground (floating cars/npc's) - so not an issue for your your spacecraft.

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animated static mesh can be made in any size (even a spaceship). If the nif does not have static meshes, the actor can freely move around it while in flight. All animations are also played relative to the object, and not relative to the ground. In fact, the model behaves like a separate moving world with all the linked meshes, npc and actor. If the parent mesh is static and is on the ground (at any distance from the rest of the meshes, even at the other end of the map), then everything is the same, but inertia is transferred to the actor, npc and physical meshes (they repeat all the movements of the object in space). From such a nif, you can fly out with sharp maneuvers.

Edited by South8028
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