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How do I set texture resolutions?


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Perhaps the question isn't accurate so let me explain. I downloaded a weapon and armor mod recently where the textures do no appear properly on texture settings below the highest possible. Instead the items appear covered in green and magenta pixels. The mod author seems unwilling or unable to deal with this so I'd like to take the opportunity to learn something new. So, how should I go about fixing this?


This is how it should look:



And this is how it looks if you're not running texture quality on high:


Edited by Biohazard186
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The texture sounds like it has been over-enlarged in PS (or gimp don't know what they used), and has pixelated.

Could also be it was sharpened too much.


What mod is it?

Can you post a pic?

Edited by krisjay
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The texture sounds like it has been over-enlarged in PS (or gimp don't know what they used), and has pixelated.

Could also be it was sharpened too much.


What mod is it?

Can you post a pic?

Pic posted. I was in the middle of uploading images and editing the first post when you posted. xD

The mod is this one:


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It looks like the image compression is too much for it to handle, and it pixelates.


If this is just for your own personal use, I suggest opening up the BSA (if it has one), or 'Data' folder (if it's not a BSA), find the high quality image (the one that looks right on high graphics), and re-compress it to a different format. Try DXT 1, DXT 3 and DXT 5 compression.


It's most likely going to be a trial and error game until you figure out the proper compression level for the image.

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I had a look at the textures and the problem wasn't compression, they were already compressed properly -- the issue is that several of them were missing mip-maps completely. When you recompressed them, whatever application you used probably generated new mip-maps and that solved it for you :) DXT5 is unnecessary as the diffuse textures don't have alpha channels.





Edited by hylskrik
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