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In-game NPC editor (ala ShowRaceMenu)


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I've been trying to edit some of my followers to have certain types of makeup on, but the Creation Kit doesn't work for doing that. Lip color, eyeliner, etc., doesn't change in the CK when I try to edit it, even when I'm not using any mods that alter face textures. It's rather frustrating.


I have seen that NPC Editor mod/program, but to me it doesn't seem like a good idea. Been hearing too much about crashes and such associated with it.


Looking at the famous "Race Menu" mod, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a mod that does a similar effect, but on a target NPC. Just cast a spell at the target, and it opens up a menu ala the ShowRaceMenu console command, but instead of editing you, it edits the NPC.


I know there's that whole "SPF" console command, but I think a mod like this could help simplify the problem. That is, if it could possibly work.


Anyone think they might be able to make this?

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Well doing it in game would be rather inconvenient, and that's an understatement.

Changes to forms are temporary, so you'd need to somehow save your data and reload it.
And that's slow and can eat into your RAM.

An out of game would probably be more optimal for your gameplay experience
Unless you know how to make permanent edits to forms in game.
Which is unlikely as I believe neither script dragon nor SKSE know how to do that yet.

The best option seems to be just to support the maker of NPC editor and to help him troubleshoot the bugs.

Seriously, don't be so afraid of crashes. They're inevitable, and the maker of any mod needs bug reports to improve their mods anyways.

So better sooner than later, and probably better you than someone else. Right?

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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I believe there was a mod for Oblivion which allowed you to create your own companion at the start of the game by using the character creator. If it could be done there, why not in Skyrim?

The mod was slightly buggy though, for example: making a companion sometimes changed your face as well, which means you had to redesign your character from scratch using showracemenu.

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