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Vortex DL speed plummets over time


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I noticed that when downloading files, the download speed starts drops over time. It starts at over 20 MB/s then drops to 0 - 50 KB/s for the rest of the way after approximately 500 MBs in.


In other words the file downloads about 500 MBs in about 30 seconds. Then the estimate time becomes hours.


I pretty much cannot use Vortex to download files larger than 500 MBs because of that.



Vortex download does that a lot, so I usually use Manual Download for larger files. But today, Manual download is also being hit hard and is acting the same way as Vortex download.


I can assume that it might be because of server problems or traffic, so I can test again tomorrow. But like I stated before, this is constantly happening for Vortex downloads.


Any idea why this may be so?



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There are myriad reasons this may be happening, some of which may not be anything to do with us or our service at all. Since you mentioned this happens whether you download manually or through Vortex I'm going to move this to the general feedback forum as it is not a Vortex specific issue.


First things first, try a different download location. We have 8 locations to choose from and the CDN option uses a completely separate ISP and service from the specific download locations. If they ALL exhibit this problem then it is extremely likely this is not something on our end and something likely going on with your ISP's connection to ours, which we have no control over.


If changing your download location does not fix the issue then please try the steps in our download speeds article and provide us with the requested information: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


It may help us to diagnose things a little more.

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