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no one likes housecarls? help?!


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ok... added a few mods to my game, after a spint of not playing and more modding, im good... yet, i was just given the first housecarl of the game, and everyone is attacking her... or she is attacking others (hard to tell)


ok, i have removed each mod one by one (starting with mine) and nothing seems to change this... so i went to a few other areas where i have followers... all attacked... wtf? any one have an ideas please? hard to be immersed in a game with your own town guards killing your followers lol

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thats the thing, its an INI file changed by a mod like "duel" or "Enhanced combat" i completely reinstalled the game, and the same thing happened... so i need to completely renew the lot... but i dont know what file was changed that did this :\


has any one had this problem before with adding mods? i checked over and over and over, the one i made was good

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