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I cant help but believe that Obama will help America through what will be a very hard time.

yeah... chance you can believe in.

You belive this Bullshit? Fine... welcom to the Matrix, buddy.


Obama is a liar, he works for Wallstreet. He dont care about the american people. He's a Estheblisment demagogue, he has his own para-militarian organisations and youth Corps. He is for Gun Ban, and a enemy of the condition. Wake up bevor its to late... goddamn... or go back to sleep, like a mineless drone.


And i say it again, watch the Obama Decaption!


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Ammendment 14 of the US Constitution:


Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Doesn't closing down Gitmo fit the bill of Obama giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the state? Congress either needs to get to voting, or get to impeaching.


Quick little side note, exanimis, kinda fitting the category of being a forum vigilante. Yes, I know, cynical of myself to point it out since I'm practically doing the same thing, but hey! I made a relevant post initially!! :P

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He's not making it any better by raising taxes and spending money that the country doesn't have. I don't want him to fail. I expect him to. He's chosen an incompetent cabinet and is surrounding himself with incompetent people. Not to mention he's lied to us a few times now. Saying no lobbiests(sp) and no earmarks.

AFTER making the comment "I will go through line by line and make sure there are no earmarks or reckless spending"

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I'm sorry, but if that's what you're hearing from your media, then you're hearing lies. The war costs 12 billion per year. YEAR. Obama has spent 1.3 TRILLION dollars of our money already in the first, not even, three months.


And about the troops not wanting to stay in Iraq? Sorry, that's complete and total bullsh*t. I can even call up my cousin in the armed forces and have him clarify from the standpoint of the military that they WANT to stay there and finish what they started.


Granted, you aren't an American, so you won't know what's truly happening, but as Obama may be the best choice for the 'world', he sure isn't the best choice for America.


My dad, who is an FFDO, (law enforcement department of pilots who carry pistols in the cockpit) got a notice today that Obama wants to remove that program on an account of a few mishaps. The FFDO program has had less mishaps than any other law enforcement agency in the country. If we want to go off of these standards, then why doesn't he just send us into anarchy? The only people that benefit from a pilot being disarmed are the terrorists. Something seem a little messed up here? Not only does he want to cut the military by 30%, he wants to disarm pilots.


Obama isn't leading either. Every speech he has ever made was written for him by a member of his cabinet, and in every press conference he has ever done, he has had to have a member of his cabinet tell him what to say. Even the pulling of the troops by 2010 is him riding on the coattails of an order Bush enacted before he left office.


From your point of view, it may seem as Bush was being led. From our point of view, the clear point of view, he wasn't, and Obama is.


How was Bush being indifferent to Katrina? Really, I can't see how, considering that FEMA was sent within the first few days. And I kindly ask how you came up with your facts, seeing as you aren't a citizen of the United States, and you didn't cite a reference.


And destroy a PRESIDENT of Iraq? Saddam Hussein wasn't a president, he was a DICTATOR. Look the two up please.




Im not trying to insult you in anyway. I think you have misinterperted what I was trying to say.


I did not say that your fine troops wanted or did not want to stay in Iraq.


That was not my point.


What I was saying is that to depose a leader good or bad is an extreme move, because it destabilises the country and in particular the middle east. Now because of what has happened your fine troops cannot leave in the near future. They will have to stay along with various allies until a strong leader comes along to take up the reigns. President Bush tried to get the UN to intervene wholesale and when they refused He made a deal with the British and other allies to depose the government of Iraq and to do it on thier own mandate using the Weapons of mass destruction and also the terrorist cards. Now at the same time oil started to become a real issue in regards to supply.


Now lets get real here the real issue is and always has been the supply of oil. If it had been to depose Suddam they would have done it in Desert Storm which if you read "It doesnt take a Hero" by General H Norman Schwarzkopf, you will see that it was what he wanted to do because he knew that Saddam would be come a problem again. He had the mandate of the UN and also everyone was involved. It would have been simple to remove him from power then rebuild the country. Now would have President Bush been so concerned about Iraq if there had been no oil there.


Now what has happened is that the extremists are now really focused on the USA.


Now just in case you missed it I actually get 4 American News Channels and read many papers from america online. Much of the information I get comes from those sources and from around the world.


Now there are at least three factions living in Iraq who intend to use violence to carve up their piece of land and they will use extreme force to get the job done. Not only that but with the call of a Jihad many fighters from other Arabic Countries have moved across the boarders of Iraq and are involved in clandestine operations against the US and other countries involved.


Now I have never for one minute questioned the bravery of the troops in Iraq, or thier ability to get the job done. I have many friends over there and in Afganistan doing thier duty in the path of extreme danger. My brother was captured and tortured by the Iraqis in the Gulf War, so believe me I have some perspective about what is going on.


One question to you is how many american body bags will it take to "Free Iraq" and are you prepared to take the cost because from where I am standing Iraq is very similar to Vietnam. Read the 'Ten Thousand Day War'.


As far as Katrina goes I was watching CNN and other channels checking out what happened there and I'm sorry to disagree with you but President Bush could have done so much better, I watched many people die, looters, cops walking off the job.


It was terrible.


Action should have been immediate.


As far as the FFDO goes I do not have enough information to formulate an opinion. If you could give me some links about that I would like to read about it.


I imagine all Presidents have writers who draft up thier speechs, I know our Prime Ministers do.


Now I have no intention about having an argument about the right to bear arms, that is a separate issue and so are many others.


Now can you tell me that the Cabinet and President Bush did not know this economic crisis was going to hit the US and therefore the world.


Now you have also stated the War costs 12 billion per year. Well that may be just for the running cost of the army over there, but have you ever considered the social cost to Americans and the USA in general. It is huge. Just think about the medical costs for maimed soldiers, rehabilitaion. That alone runs into the millions. Im sorry to tell you but the cost is much higher.


Now I just dont believe that it will be possible to remove the troops before 2012 or even longer. there is just too many variables to calculate. Just remember Iran is watching and looking. So you see I have disagreed with something Obama has said.


Now I know I'm not an American, I have never pretended to be. Our country is a democracy just like yours and we are allies and have been for more than a hundred years.

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