demidekidasu Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 To be fair, it would probably take about 30 years to make a game that detailed and ambitious with a large open world like Skyrim... We would all love a game like that but it could never be done. If it was a linear game then yes. But it's not... And many of these things would probably require the game to move away from it's sandbox format to work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vanadinit Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) Ha I would rather trust in Wikipedia then I would trust in any TV shows and nope I don't see anything of that because I life my life without a Television.But it was sure like I say it, if you don't have anyone who will go form door to door and ofc. to the fields and other working places to announce that you will come to the town none would be there. Also I think it would be really hard to know important people only from their faces because yeh only a few get a portrait of you and sometimes the portrait is not that good and yah you can imagine the rest of the story. I think they just see your dragon bone armor and then they maybe know you are the guy who slaughter the ancient reptiles. And if I would be there and a common men I would say yah great but I must work hehe, or whatever my ale is more important right now.But yah it is my point and how I do my things :P Edited April 21, 2013 by Vanadinit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hubsabubs Posted April 20, 2013 Author Share Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) Art imitates life my man, it goes further back than just movies n shows. Books depict it, ancient lore from Europe. There was always a watch guard that would announce the comings and goings of people, merchants, nobles and travelers, hence why they had Watchtowers with signals and horns and so and so forth. Kind of like Paul Revere riding through the town on horseback with the British are coming the British are coming because he received a candlelit signal from someone, 1 if by land 2 If by sea.... People just don't pull these kind of details out of thin air. It's like dragons, dragons are found throughout many different cultures histories for thousands and thousands of years, from Asian to European and so on n so forth. Yet we can have a courier who can seem to know whenever, wherever and whatever town/area it is we show up in to deliver us a Letter from a friend on where to find our next word of power right? But it's a stretch to say a population of people or town wouldn't know when we were coming.... And it wouldn't take 30 years to make a game that in depth, just one hell of a research, development and programming team. Skyrims been out a year and half and look what modders have done to add to it. From what I am seeing there is a 4-6 year gap In between each of the parts in TES series. And this is what they came up with in 5-6 years between Skyrim and Oblivion? Seems a little short to me on final production. Edited April 20, 2013 by hubsabubs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demidekidasu Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) Look, I agree with you that the game is underwhelming and definitely lacking, but you are essentially asking for a different game altogether lol I feel I should chime in on the argument about the spread of news in medieval times... People in medieval Europe were generally very ignorant of much beyond the world immediately around them, and they certainly didn't know anything of history, politics or current events, other than what was dictated to them by those in charge. The spread of news was notoriously bad - even for major events such as invasions, etc. A great example would be during the Spanish armada crisis (England) of the late 16th century... At one point the Spanish managed to land a small force of a hundred or so soldiers on the English coast. These soldiers went on to pillage and plunder, burned a church to the ground, and generally make the local's lives a living hell (I'm probably wrong on the details, but that's not the point). By the time London heard of this, the Spanish force had already left... Remember that Tamriel is not actually a medieval world - far from it in fact - it just shares similarities in technology. It's far too happy and jolly to be compared to a medieval society lol. Nobody is starving, dying of even the most simple of diseases, being literally worked to death or treated cruelly by their sadistic superiors... The phrase "downtrodden" has quite literal origins I imagine. The closest I have ever seen to an accurate portrayal of medieval Europe in a game is either The Witcher 2 (albeit a fantasy world) or Mount & Blade: Warband with the Anno Domini 1257 mod. I actually started making my own 3rd-person adventure game once based in a historically accurate portrayal of the medieval Welsh marchers (1313 AD) in the Unreal 3 engine. It's hard work I tell you... Not something that you can just "do" Edited April 20, 2013 by demidekidasu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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