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1000 Hours! What is your favorite mod of all time?


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I am close to approaching my 1000th hour of PC Skyrim playing time. I logged in around 200 on PS3 but switched to PC in spring 2012 (smartest move ever!). What I want to know is what are some of your personal all time favorite mods? I know you can go on the Nexus and see the top mods listed. But some of those aren't my all time favorites. Personally I like immersion mods the most and my all time favorite is Realistic Needs and Diseases (Return to Helgen, Interesting NPC's and Thirteen Oranges Mod) mods are some more of my other favorites). So what are your personal favorites? Edited by majikku22
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I agree that Skyre is amazing. I bought Dawnguard mainly so I could keep up with the new versions of Skyre, and plan to do the same with Dawnguard, for the same reason.


Other mods I would hate to play without:

Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Ultimate Followers Overhaul

Convenient Horses

Jaysus Swords

Immersive Armors

Better Bows



Mods I could live probably without, but I hope I never have to:


Personalized Music



Bella's Better Females

Better Males

And of course, my house mod! :happy:

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I love SkyRe...but hate that vanila armors and weapons are much higher armor value than modded armors and weapons. Mods go unchanged. I've tried ReProccer but it gives me an error every time. So in that sense I can live without SkyRe.

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