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Creating an Armour sub category? How to? HELP!? Please...


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Heloooo peeps,



Been scouring the tinterweb for the last three hours trying to find out how to create an armour smithing category , unpacked Hothtrooper_44's mod to see how he created the 'Auxiliary' category in his mod too... No joy... I'm working on a mod that adds 24 new armours (retextures) that are lore friendly and both male and female... Just simple ones, nothing too fancy... But, I really want to have it so when you go to create them with any forge you have a new category other then just sticking them in with 'Elven', 'Steel' or something else...


Any ideas? I found a script in the papyrus labeled "craftsmithing", down at the bottom it lists materials... But... I'm not making the connection so I don't wanna mess around with a script without knowing what I'm doing... Also I added my own 'armormaterial' category but have yet to see anything happen in-game... This has been attached to all my armours too... But I'm clearly missing something to tell the forge to recognize my new armour category...


Any help would be very much appreciated and welcomed as I'm stumped... Cheerzie!

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As far as we know there is no way to add your own crafting categories. You can rename existing ones (which immersive armors does to one of the unused ones) but adding new ones is beyond the tools we have. The DLCs apparently had a change in the exe to add their new ones.

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Oh snap...



That sucks...


Any ideas how Immersive renamed one of the unused ones? Or where I might find em? Just to make like a ninja and take a little recce...

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