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Help Please....Game CTD ISSUE


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yea......im an entitled "whinger" thats worked my backside off for everything ive ever gotten,and never had a single thing handed to me,and you're a basement dweller.....i would tell you to look at the bright side but everyone can tell you've not seen the sun for years....i wish i actually knew wtf an entitlement was though little girl


out of the people here you helped me the most by blocking me....even if you did it for you it really worked out for me as well




If all you came to do is make unnecessary comments on posts asking for help be ready for someone to shut you down and point out your flaws.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


** and he didnt help me in any way shape or form ....all he did was tell me to use a different mod because he didn't like the mod i used

Edited by zugz13
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