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Do new mods get noticed or do people go straight to the popular mods


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I guess you never noticed the opening page of Fallout: New Vegas mod nexus has tabs for "New Today", "New This Week" and it can be expanded further. Whether anyone notices is unknown.


Of course that doesn't guarantee that all new mods will become popular. That depends on the overall quality of the mod and if anyone else wants to use it.


So for your title questions, the answer "Yes" to both. As for any point in making new mods, that is up to you. Modders make mods for their own use and enjoyment and just share them here.

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Same here (as well as the "Recent Activity" notice page for updates). I'll even go back through the list if I've missed a number of days.


While many users new to the Nexus just look at the "endorsements" (which really should be compared to downloads as a ratio), anyone who thinks about it realizes that new mods take time to accumulate endorsements (which is why they are so important; even though many people don't take the time to return to the page except for updates after they try it out to actually endorse). For the author of a new mod the important thing (IMHO) is the number "views". That indicates the level of interest in the title. The ratio of "downloads" to "views" indicates how many people found the description interesting enough to try it out.


Your mod description is your "elevator sales pitch" to your potential customer. You should put at least as much into your description as you put into designing your mod. Differentiate why your mod should be of more interest than other similar mods. Just another "my first home" isn't going to garner much attention unless you explain what makes it more interesting/appealing than any other. Etcetera.



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