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A question on...cheating.


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So after a lot of time in skyrim...and a lot of mods messing it up...i arrived at the end of my rope(so to speak)and deleted all of them...and installed only a few mods...now i don't mind doing quest again...but i definitly don't want to raise skills again or find all shouts...so my question is...If i add the shouts trough the console,will it do any "permanent" damage to the game?like crashing,bug and whatever else is possible when i get in front of the wall?or when it is given by specific characters like the greybeards?

Edited by Dlamar
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Giving yourself Shouts is cheating? Hmm. I would think of that as more of a handicap. But, no. I don't think you'd do anything other than maybe mess up a couple stats, but how often do you even look at that stuff?


Let me know if you want to do some real cheating. I cheat like you wouldn't believe.

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Giving yourself Shouts is cheating? Hmm. I would think of that as more of a handicap. But, no. I don't think you'd do anything other than maybe mess up a couple stats, but how often do you even look at that stuff?


Let me know if you want to do some real cheating. I cheat like you wouldn't believe.

Well,technically it's called cheating...not that i would care.Haha thanks but i already have everything i need...i was not sure about the shouts...as i am afraid of messing something up.Tough if you know of a fast way to get the shouts and not mess anything...i wouldn't mind giving it a try.Haha.

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I've wrecked so many of my games from cheating it's not funny, well it is funny...killing, resurrecting and just being a general nuisance to the NPC populations, especially in Riften. Anyway, using the console to get shouts isn't cheating..it's the Dragonborns right to know shouts. With my latest character I just cheated to finish the MQ..shout's and all, because I've climbed the 7000 steps and put up with Septimus' childish rantings, while I robbed him blind tooo many times.

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Also i seem to keep getting a constant error

[ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 24
(this is the last entry in the papyrus logs).All the mods i have right now are fresh(started the character with them)and i haven't removed any mods...also i am only like 3 hours in the game...played last night for about an hour and a half getting my stuff to where i wanted and went to sleep.Today i started playing again...i leveled up(since i pilled up a lot of them by raising skills)and then went to WhiteRun....and boom i got one the moment i started running to attack the giant the companiions are fighting...i got another one when i tried to kill the dragon(first one)and then when i tried to enter Elysium Home(v2)...all 3 times i get the same last entry.


[ (000DC551)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 24

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You care about some error from Papyrus? I'm more amazed when it actually works.


I have this batch file I like to use for skipping the main quest. It only works about 70% of the time. Sometimes, for example, I won't get the Axe of Whiterun. I set the stage for it, but then I guess Papyrus decides to just skip it for who knows what reason. I have to go back to a previous save and run my script again. This is a script. That just does some setstages. Easiest damn thing in the world, you would think. But no. Even that can cause Papyrus to trip over itself.

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You care about some error from Papyrus? I'm more amazed when it actually works.


I have this batch file I like to use for skipping the main quest. It only works about 70% of the time. Sometimes, for example, I won't get the Axe of Whiterun. I set the stage for it, but then I guess Papyrus decides to just skip it for who knows what reason. I have to go back to a previous save and run my script again. This is a script. That just does some setstages. Easiest damn thing in the world, you would think. But no. Even that can cause Papyrus to trip over itself.

nevermind...i solved it...just went back to a previous save...which was about 30 minutes earlier and it works like a charm...now then...about that thing which let's you skip things?

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Well, I haven't fully tested it, but if you don't mind being a kind of beta tester:


; skip the main quest
; -
; description:
; being Dragonborn is so last year... in fact it has been a year
; who can remember all that crazy stuff? so hard to think...
; damn... got way too drunk to remember anything right...
; and what the heck happened to that scroll? it was right here...
; oh great... here come the flashbacks...
; -
; note: does NOT do the Herma-Mora quest nor any College stuff
; -
; note: this assumes you haven't gone to Bleak Falls Barrow
; nor to Dustman's Cairn, Sunderstone Gorge, Forelhost Stronghold,
; High Gate Ruins, Dead Man's Respite, or Volskygge
; -
; in fact, it's probably best if you use this on a fresh new
; character that you start with Live Another Life
; -
; start house purchase quest
setstage MQ00 5
; Unbound
setstage MQ101 1000
completequest MQ101
; Before the Storm
setstage MQ102 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ102 30 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ102 30 1
setstage MQ102 200
completequest MQ102
; Bleak Falls Barrow
setstage MQ103 8
setstage MQ103 10
setstage MQ103 50
setstage MQ103 90
setstage MQ103 100
setstage MQ103 200
completequest MQ103
; The Golden Claw
setstage MS13 35
setstage MS13 100
completequest MS13
; Dragon Rising
setstage MQ104 40
setobjectivedisplayed MQ104 20 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ104 20 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ104 40 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ104 40 1
setstage MQ104 48
setstage MQ104 55
setstage MQ104 80
setstage MQ104 90
setstage MQ104 110
setstage MQ104 130
setstage MQ104 150
setstage MQ104 160
setstage MQ104 170
setstage MQ104 180
completequest MQ104
; The Way of the Voice
setstage MQ105 5
setstage MQ105 160
setstage MQ105 240
setstage MQ105 290
completequest MQ105
; The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
setstage MQ105Ustengrav 10
setobjectivedisplayed MQ105Ustengrav 10 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ105Ustengrav 10 1
completequest MQ105Ustengrav
; A Blade in the Dark
setstage MQ106 25
completequest MQ106
stopquest MQ106
; Diplomatic Immunity
setstage MQ201 255
completequest MQ201
; A Cornered Rat
setstage MQ202 200
setstage MQ202 300
completequest MQ202
; Alduin's Wall
setstage MQ203 60
setobjectivedisplayed MQ203 20 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ203 20 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ203 30 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ203 30 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ203 40 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ203 40 1
setstage MQ203 110
setstage MQ203 140
setstage MQ203 150
setstage MQ203 200
setstage MQ203 210
setstage MQ203 230
setstage MQ203 300
completequest MQ203
; The Throat of the World
setstage MQ204 20
setstage MQ204 50
setstage MQ204 90
setstage MQ204 100
setstage MQ204 210
setobjectivedisplayed MQ204 30 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ204 30 1
setstage MQ204 220
completequest MQ204
; Elder Knowledge
setstage MQ205 45
setobjectivedisplayed MQ205 50 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ205 50 1
completequest MQ205
stopquest MQ205
; Alduin's Bane
setstage MQ206 10
setobjectivedisplayed MQ206 10 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ206 10 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ206 20 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ206 20 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ206 30 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ206 30 1
setstage MQ206 240
completequest MQ206
; Paarthurnax
setstage MQPaarthurnax 10
completequest MQPaarthurnax
; The Fallen
setstage MQ301 15
setstage MQ301 240
completequest MQ301
; Season Unending
setstage MQ302 340
completequest MQ302
; The World-Eater's Eyrie
setstage MQ303 20
completequest MQ303
stopquest MQ303
; Sovngarde
setstage MQ304 70
completequest MQ304
stopquest MQ304
; Dragonslayer
setstage MQ305 220
setobjectivedisplayed MQ305 20 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ305 20 1
setstage MQ305 300
completequest MQ305
; misc
setstage MQ306 10
setstage MQ306 100
; -
; Unrelenting Force
teachword 13e23
teachword 13e24
unlockword 13e23
unlockword 13e24
; Whirlwind Sprint (wuld)
teachword 2f7bb
unlockword 2f7bb
; Clear Skies
teachword 3cd31
teachword 3cd32
teachword 3cd33
unlockword 3cd31
unlockword 3cd32
unlockword 3cd33
; Fire Breath (yol)
teachword 20e17
unlockword 20e17
; Dragonrend
teachword 44251
teachword 44252
teachword 44253
unlockword 44251
unlockword 44252
unlockword 44253
; Call Dragon
teachword 46b89
teachword 46b8a
teachword 46b8b
unlockword 46b89
unlockword 46b8a
unlockword 46b8b
; Storm Call (strun)
teachword 6029a
; -
; increment the stats (teachword handles the others)
modpcms "Words Of Power Unlocked" 13
modpcms "Shouts Unlocked" 5
modpcms "Shouts Mastered" 4
modpcms "Times Shouted" 11
modpcms "Dragon Souls Collected" 2
; -
; Nahkriin mask (Skuldafn)
player.additem 61ca5 1
; -
; e827d/e8281/e8282 = Feim/Fus/Yol ability
player.addspell e8281
; -
; Delphine (send to Sky Haven Temple, interior)
13485.moveto 16fc0
; Esbern
19dfd.moveto 16fc0
; -
; update map
showmap 1621f
showmap 16232
showmap 1626c
showmap 162a4
showmap 162c4
showmap 162ce
showmap 16352
showmap 1635e
showmap 1637c
showmap 17780
showmap 17791
showmap 177a1
showmap 177b0
showmap 1babd
showmap 383cb
showmap 4d0f4
showmap 72879
showmap 96a46
showmap 9846f
showmap c44ad
showmap db889
; -
; poof goes Live Another Life
completequest ARTHLALStartQuest

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