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[LE] You are here question

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There was a person who was able to obtain this information as it was needed to test out a concept of a live UI on-display minimap. He didn't release it because it had problems he couldn't solve, like the LOD popping in and out and so-forth(the big map in game is actually Skyrim in its entire LOD form). He didn't release his source for others to look at, and thus how to get this information is unknown.


Edit: My best guess is checking out the flash files for the map parts of the UI.

Edited by AnishaDawn
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Look at the mod > Modder's Resources > Where in Oblivion am i?

( I think that's the name...)

I haven't looked at it, but i think the script uses some of this functions:

float Function GetHeight() native

WorldSpace Function GetWorldSpace() native

Location Function GetCurrentLocation() native

Cell Function GetParentCell() native

float Function GetPositionX() native

float Function GetPositionY() native

float Function GetPositionZ() native

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Thanks. I'll look at that. I wanted a script to check if I was in a specific interior cell and if so to set the x, y coordinates to specified numbers. To have them set by the location of the last exterior cell door never did make much sense to me. Especially if you arrive by spell from half across Skyrim. I think they should have set up a system where you would place an location marker in each interior cell with set coordinates for your location. A simple script to check if you were in the cell with that marker could update your location. That way if you had an underground tunnel across Skyrim you could follow your progress as you moved from cell to cell. Maybe a bit tedious to tweak the numbers so it looked about the right location but do-able.

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