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Summoned Creature Target Conditions


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My mod, Conjure Slaughterfish - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35149 - has a couple of issues. While it works well as it is, what I really want is to prevent the critter from being spawned on land or anywhere that ISN'T water. I'm not having any luck with target conditions, though. Any target conditions I try ti apply cause the spell to fail every time no matter where it's aimed.


Also, I'd really like to have the spell conjure a school of four slaughterfish instead of just one.



Any help is appreciated and a working solution will be credited, thanks!

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ABDamageHealthConstant, under the condition IsSwimming == 0


Basically, I want the little fellers to die when they're not actually in the water. Since I haven't figured out a way to NOT summon them except in water, I figured the next best way would be to eliminate them after. Any way I've tried just doesn't work properly. Either the spell never gets cast, or it always gets cast....in water or out. I'm beginning to wonder if I've exposed a bug with IsSwimming.

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ABDamageHealthConstant, under the condition IsSwimming == 0


Basically, I want the little fellers to die when they're not actually in the water. Since I haven't figured out a way to NOT summon them except in water, I figured the next best way would be to eliminate them after. Any way I've tried just doesn't work properly. Either the spell never gets cast, or it always gets cast....in water or out. I'm beginning to wonder if I've exposed a bug with IsSwimming.

:) that's exactly what I tried when I read your first post and It didn't work either. Anyway, I have this another method, see if you can use it. My test in-game showed it worked but since my test time is limited, I don't know if it has problem.

- First, create 2 constant magic effects.

- First effect, call it "Condition effect" for example, does not have condition and is attached with this script:

Scriptname FishConditioningScript extends activemagiceffect



Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

If caster == target

;When the effect starts, set AV Variable01 to 1 as condition for 2nd effect

Caster.SetAV("Variable01", 1)




Event OneffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

;Effect ends, reset the AV to 0

If Caster.GetAV("Variable01") == 1

Caster.SetAV("Variable01", 0)



- Second script, naming "Suffocate" for example, is attached with this script:

Scriptname FishSuffocateScript extends activemagiceffect


import utility


Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

;Waiting 2 second for the first effect to take effect


;Check if the variable01 is not set to 1, i.e. caster is not swimming

If Caster.GetAV("Variable01") != 1

Caster.damageav("health", 1000)



- Create an ability and add these magic effects, the first effect has condition IsSwimming == 1 added to the ability, the second does not. Add this ability to your fish stick. Edited by blacksupernova
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