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How does Bethesda expect people to raise Smith/Enchant legitimately?


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Maybe but if you do it on the vanilla you get in trouble if you cant craft the highest gear and enchant it with good spells because without combat skills yah there is not much to say about that haha.

That is maybe the thing how they thought about that, that it will be self-adjusting it because that you will lack in combat skills and perks.

Edited by Vanadinit
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I'm pretty sure that grind iron thing got removed. Its now more worthwhile to go exploring dwemer ruins with a pack mule. Even if I'm light armour smithing, I will take the dwarven perk just for levelling it.

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Iron and leather can only get you so far. Honestly, with over 1,000 hours and 12+ profiles, i never grinded those daggers. It was mostly steel, elven, orchis, dwarven and once ebony was chosen. Also jewlery, lots of silver and gold around skyrim.

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I'm sorry I don't understand.


How will going into dwemer ruins raise my smith skill?

The cogs, decorative struts and other clutter can be used to smelt 1-4 dwarven ingots with ease. Dwarven is more valuable than Steel (armor and weapons).


Problem is, those clutters can and will be heavy as crap. So bring a follower.

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Yep, pretty much all of the Dwarven clutter that isn't cookware. I'm a fan of cleaning out the museum in Markarth, personally, because when they're reforged, nobody can tell they're stolen.


And hey, there's a forge right in town for it too.

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I didn't know that.


Can the cogs go directly in the Smelter then come out as ingots?

My mistake, the cogs do not:




Middle of the page, shows what can be smelted.


There is a side quest in the college of winterhold, where someone is seeking 10 dwemer cogs, i guess that is how i mixed it up with smelting.

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Yep, pretty much all of the Dwarven clutter that isn't cookware. I'm a fan of cleaning out the museum in Markarth, personally, because when they're reforged, nobody can tell they're stolen.


And hey, there's a forge right in town for it too.

But dang those clutter sure are heavy.

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