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Stop time while build things


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Hello. The first thing i do after i start a new game and have all the mods i really need and like is to build the basics at every settlement i have, so i don't spend time. But there are settlement spots, need more time from me, because i need to build houses -where prefabs can't place. So i just ask if someone, please, can build a mod, stop the time while build things, houses, decorations stuff and other. That's all. Thanks.

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That... is glorious. It's the mod I longed for, the other half of why crafting sucked solved at long last. (the first half was XP piling on to kicking you to level 20 by the time you fixed Sanctuary up. The Sponge cake was all too real, I fear. Seriously, find yourself a No XP for crafting mod if you haven't already.

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Hello again. i want a mod, works with a holotape. Open the holotape, stop the time and after that, open the workshop and build things. Or after open the holotape, we can see the options we have and decide what from the alphabet we want to pause, to trigger or not, so the time stop or not while we use the workshop. That's all. Thanks.

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  • 3 years later...

Here it is folks, January 2, 2025!

I have installed the most current version of MCM. One of the configureable options is to 'Freeze Time' while in workshop mode. It doesn't.

Mods that mess with time mess with everything associated with time, then it takes more time to ... well; whatever, I'll wait for an MCM bug fix update.

 Until then when I start a build, I set the time early in the a.m. with console command. That gives me time to build, all day, and gives me a chance to Q.C. what I've accomplished looks good at night. Then reset the time bat and move on. 

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While Freeze Time While In Workshop doesn't make everyone stop moving, it does invoke the console command set timescale to 0 (Or at least it should), restoring your preference afterward. That being said, if you have another mod that sets your timescale it may well override MCM.

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