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Cerwidin + ASIS + SkyRE (reproccer) problem


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okay. is it just me, or does Ceri just not seem to work at all, i mean i can talk to her to initialise her to follow me (the i have faith in you, prove your worth, or pay me for you to follow)but she doesn't follow, just returns to sandboxing.. now the only two AI altering things i use is ASIS and SkyRe with the reproccer, no ctds or anything, its all stable, but i am thinking that it some how alters or ignores her unique scripting and just breaks it, am i the only one?


is there a work around?


Edit: it happens with NAtalie, the player healer follower too.. but all my other followers do not have this issue, interesting NPCs etc still work perfectly

Edited by Dhegonus
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