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Build Desktop Terminals on a Desk


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Working with the desktop terminals, they appear to have some sort of height offset built in, so that when you try to build them on a desk, they will actually float above said desk.

I've tried adding the WorkshopAnythingIsGround AV, but to no avail.


Is my thinking correct that this is something that needs to be addressed in 3dsmax?

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You were right, I've managed to edit the offset in nifskope.

However, the terminal can't be accessed anymore after that, player will just stare in the air instead of at the terminal. It has to be at the very specific height of 56.something Z offset.


Oh well. So be it.

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That is becaue the "entry point" of the "enter / exit terminal animation" has to be "reachable" for the animation to trigger.

If the entire thing is shifted up, the entry point is "floating above the ground" and thus not considered reachable by the player by the game.

Same thing if you place workbences too close to other objects.


Another stupid engine restriction that makes it very hard to create "confined spaces" ...

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