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Make some REAL mods..


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Hi. Please cut this Cute elf / large hooters poo. :wallbash:

and make some Real cool armor and weapons and not just some B-Movie replicas.

I dont know if iam alone... but iam tired of this hentai everywhere. :confused:

Yeah i dont know how to make mods. but ive seen a lot of skilled modders.

and just want to tell them this : Please dont lay down your time on these large titted girls

and make Real cool armors. :thanks: You Real modders out there!

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And you are going to reward them for doing your bidding? :whistling:


Modders make the mods they want to mostly for their own enjoyment. They share them with us because they enjoy seeing people playing with their creations. :biggrin:


Instead of whining that there aren't any good mods, learn how to make your own. Then you can make the wonderful mods you can't seem to find. :thumbsup:


Most of the mod makers here will be happy to help you learn. It's not easy. But it can be rewarding. :sweat:


I'm looking forward to seeing your mods here. :cool:

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No i dont want to make them do my bidding, :thumbsup: but iam quite tired to see Nude textures that infact are very well made.

i think that that many more should make more effort in making better armor and weapon textures. :rolleyes:


I realy would like to learn how to make mods.. its just that iam technological impaired haha :biggrin:


But i see your point, but this is just my opinion ;)

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Actually, with over 14,000 Oblivion Mods (14,072 as of a few minutes ago) you should be able to find some you like. Try the lost spires if you like new adventurers. or Roberts male body if you don't like the women. :whistling: Seriously, there is something here for everyone. :biggrin:

ask for suggestions, but be prepared to be inundated ans everyone has their own favorites. :thumbsup:

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No i dont want to make them do my bidding, :thumbsup: but iam quite tired to see Nude textures that infact are very well made.

i think that that many more should make more effort in making better armor and weapon textures. :rolleyes:


I realy would like to learn how to make mods.. its just that iam technological impaired haha :biggrin:


But i see your point, but this is just my opinion ;)

I've uploaded many clothing and armor mods here. bben and alex are correct,if you don't like something don't look.You have no idea of the time and effort that goes into creating even simple mods.As bben said.I create the things I like for "my" game then release them so others with similar tastes can use them. If not to your taste ignor them but don't complain about what you see when you yourself either can't or won't invest your own time to learn...thats my opinion....

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