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WIP: British/European Commonwealth Mod


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6. The excessive use of Monty Python references and high brow humour.


HELP HELP I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!


This has to be added :D


As I said in a comment on the nexus page, love the idea behind this mod, will be watching closely. Hell, I may even be persuaded to help out (modelling maybe, GECK work, I'm pretty handy at putting together NPCs and levelled lists and such).


Couple of things:

* It's a fascist state, yet they're not particularly intolerant of ghouls? Somehow this seems a bit contradictory, I'd think they'd look upon ghouls as potential fuel for the reactors (obviously not food in this case) more than anything else. Of course, initially being neutral and 'tolerant' of them while they establish their presence works fine, then they can turn on them later if needs be.


* I'm not sure if I'll be much good at this but I might give it a try; British haircuts for our boys, the scruffy look of the wastes wouldn't suit the British at all, we'd need that laquered look of the war years, since Britain (or the EC rather) is somewhat better off than America. They'd certainly have more of the resources needed to keep themselves looking good at all times ;) I'm not really an organic modeller though, hence my trepidation about trying to model hair. I tend more towards mechanical stuff.


* doomboy536 mentinoned eyebots. I like the idea (though probably a more archetypally british robot, or maybe you could add a quest where the PC needs to steal an Eyebot and bring it back to the EC guys so they can reverse engineer it and build their own version for Propaganda purposes, assuming the EC isn't really inclined towards robot tech like America was). One other thing I thought of is a protective guardian bot that will follow the eyebot (or equivalent) around, but CLOAKED. It'll only appear once the eyebot is attacked (hell, maybe even just using your iron sights on an eyebot would trigger the protector to attack, since it'd want to remove the threat BEFORE the eyebot is destroyed). I've got a custom eyebot called a Hunter Killer that's black and can cloak, is armed with a powerful laser blaster or mini-rockets, and is generally evil (yet awesome). That gave me the idea for this :) Of course, the EC being more into stealth tech also lends this idea credance.


* On the subject of Propaganda, the EC radio will totally have to have classic British music playing. 30's-40's era stuff used during the second world war maybe (there again, while this would be nice, there are always damn copyright issues to worry about).


* Completely random: A quest called 'And now for something completely different'? Nothing to do with the main quest, just a fun little aside of some sort the player can engage in. No idea what, hence why it's completely random. Maybe my brain will engage later and spark some idea or other but for now, it's just a nifty title for a quest.


* Another completely random thought that just struck me, related to the eyebot I mentioned above..... possibly somewhat icky but totally in keeping with the grim yet amusing atmosphere of Fallout, how about a literal eyebot? The EC guys don't seem particularly bothered about using people as fuel and food, so why wouldn't they use them as components in experimental robots and the like? Much like the current brainbots in fact, except probably more crude since they wouldn't have much experience of building robots (again, basing this on the assumption that the EC aren't into robotics much).


Hmm, well I've probably got other thoughts and ideas rolling around the grey matter but this will do for now :)


edit: quick thought that just came to me, there's a random encounter where you come across a guy that raiders have attached explosives to. This just triggered the idea that The Military Intelligence Tribune would be the perfect b-tards to kidnap people (maybe even with your help, if you're playing an evil character, using the mez for example) and poke around inside them, stick a few blobs of C4 in there, then release them back into 'the wild' again for future use as terror weapons. These guys ARE fascists after all, might as well take them the whole distance on the bastometer :D


edit2: My brain's on fire tonight. Ok, so the EC are after miniaturization of Fusion Reactors for use in vehicles and so on? There are HUNDREDS of fusion-powered cars sitting around the landscape. Maybe a sidequest (or rather a necessary sidequest that's needed for part of the main quest to advance) where the PC has to retrieve a number of parts from cars (not too many though, collect the rings style quests can get boring really fast) and take them to the scientists of the EC for study.


* Yet another thing that springs to mind is that Megaton has a very real and very active A-bomb sitting around not doing much. Would the EC be interested in bartering/coercing/threatening/stealing this weapon from Megaton? I had a minor brainfart yesterday concerning the Atom worshippers, and decided it'd be fun to add a new faction in the wasteland based on them, but more sinister (black robes, insane clerics, public executions, the usual mad religious cult deal). Maybe they'd make an interesting side-faction opposed to the EC? Obviously this could be added later as it's not really particularly important to the main quest (at least I assume it wouldn't be), but it'd make an interesting sidequest certainly.

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Willing to assist with voice acting (40+/yr American with some decent mimicry ability..good for parody and US military).


Also have a tape of "The War Game", which for the longest time I'd envisioned using clips from in a UK-based Fallout game. Excellent cutscene material, it's a BBC black-and-white film from 1967 which, amongst various things, "re-enacts" scenes from the pre-war evacuation/billeting period as well as during and after the attacks.


Scenes include firefighters losing a battle with firestorm conditions in Kent, a well-off man threatening to shoot anyone who tries to get into his pitiful little backyard shelter with him, darkly-humorous statements made by British officials and others, a small family hiding under a flimsy table as the shockwaves hit their home, food riots, martial law complete with executions...and much much more. One particularly compelling scene is of a priest dutifully spinning a phonograph record with his finger in order to produce music for his services, there being no power to run the player.


Produced by the BBC as an anti-nuclear film, it was banned by the Home Office from televised broadcast...so they put in into the theatres instead. Not to be missed.

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A great Monty Pythons reference would a "Black Knight event", where the PC encounters a battle (preferably by a bridge) between an NPC clad in black, armed with a chinese officer´s sword, fighting a raider or similar. The NPC eventually triumphs, and if PC tries to approach the bridge/knight, a dialogue, following the original sketch dialogue as closely as would be natural, occurs. There could even be a small side quest ("The Black Knight"), that is:

- Kill the Black Knight

- "Will You Join Me" option: Make the Black Knight join you as a follower (only doable for bad karma characters)

- (Optional) Cripple The Black Knight: Arm- and Leg-cripple the Black Knight before you kill him.


Great mod concept, by the way!

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  • 2 weeks later...
What means SPQE?


Senatus PopolusQue Europeus, i think. S.P.Q.R was the acronym of the Roman empire.


About this mod: I read the history and it seems a bit racist, I love Italy, France and Germany and I am a bit disappointed that the only nation you talk about is England, I'd like to see all europe cultures, anyway this is a great project and I will keep lookin at it

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