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Remove boob jiggle from an armor


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So, I love this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45517?tab=description


It changes every guard armor in the game, adding personality to it. It also has a patch that adds the armor for female guards added by OOO. The problem is, the female guard armor added has RIDICULOUS boobs physics. And I mean, they are crazy. They bounce around even when the character is not moving. It is very distracting. Can it be removed, maybe using Nifskope?


Thanks in advance

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So, I love this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45517?tab=description


It changes every guard armor in the game, adding personality to it. It also has a patch that adds the armor for female guards added by OOO. The problem is, the female guard armor added has RIDICULOUS boobs physics. And I mean, they are crazy. They bounce around even when the character is not moving. It is very distracting. Can it be removed, maybe using Nifskope?


Thanks in advance

Yes, it can be removed in NifSkope. Open the armor in NifSkope. Left mouse click on the triangle to the left of Scene Root. Scroll down the list until you see breast L and delete it. Locate breast R and delete it. Save and exit.

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So, I love this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45517?tab=description


It changes every guard armor in the game, adding personality to it. It also has a patch that adds the armor for female guards added by OOO. The problem is, the female guard armor added has RIDICULOUS boobs physics. And I mean, they are crazy. They bounce around even when the character is not moving. It is very distracting. Can it be removed, maybe using Nifskope?


Thanks in advance

Yes, it can be removed in NifSkope. Open the armor in NifSkope. Left mouse click on the triangle to the left of Scene Root. Scroll down the list until you see breast L and delete it. Locate breast R and delete it. Save and exit.


Thanks for the reply! Sadly, none of the female armors have the "breast" Node when viewed in Nifskope. However, there is a node calle "Op1" and another one called "Op2" whch seem to be conected to the breast. Could these be the ones I need to delete? Pic for reference: https://imgur.com/5BaQ4Ds

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Sadly, that didn't work out. After removing all "Op" from the female armors, my game would just CTD after being near any modified armor. I restored the files and the game is now okay. Is there any other way to fix this?

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BBB requires three things ... a skeleton.nif that has bones dedictaed to BBB, animation replacers that use those skeleton.nif bone to display BBB in game and finally a mesh that is designed to use those BBB bones from the skeleton.nif (i.e. "rigged" to the breast bones). Remove any one of the three and BBB will no longer work, but if you remove the skeleton.nif you will get the world famous "boobs to infinity".


If you don't want BBB then delete all BBBed animations.

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My animations mod is Blockhead animations, and in there it says that some animations are BBB compatible. You are saying that in order to have that armor but no BBB I should remove my animations mod? If that is really the only way, then I guess I'll stick to having bouncing guard's breasts, but that is a bummer. I won't get rid of my skeleton (obviously), and I thought that modifying the armor was the easiest thing to do. This "boobs to infinity" problem did not happen to me, just a CDT, but I guess they are one and the same? Is there really no way for me to modify the armor mesh to get rid of this "BBB compatibility"?

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If the mod you are talking about is Blockhead Animations Compilation then you can just change the file used for the Blockhead override (and if it's not that mod you can speed this troubleshoooting up considerably by giving complete details on what mods you are using ... links to mods works wonders in seeing what you are troubleshooting).

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If the mod you are talking about is Blockhead Animations Compilation then you can just change the file used for the Blockhead override (and if it's not that mod you can speed this troubleshoooting up considerably by giving complete details on what mods you are using ... links to mods works wonders in seeing what you are troubleshootThat's

That's the one, although I'm not sure I get what you mean by changing the file "for the Blockhead override"

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That mod does all of it's "work" via Blockhead's PerRace overrides. If you don't want a particular idle then use another to replace the one used by Blockhead Animations Compilation. NoMaaM has non-BBBed breathing idles that can be used (files renamed to replace the idles from BAC).


All that is required is download both BAC and NoMaaM to a folder for each, extract to that same folder and then find the idles in each. The folder names in NoMaaM are self explanatory ... the file names in BAC are just as plain to figure out.

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