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CTD immediately after clicking Continue. Someone please take a look an


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Hello all, recently I've been having some troubles with my Skyrim. Whenever I try and hit continue game, it will show the loading screen briefly for a second or two and then just crash to desktop with no error. I've tried the following:


-uninstalling recently added mods and trying to load the game

-deleting skyrim ini and skyrimpref and restarting

-installing skse and running skyrim through that

-uninstalling every mod and trying to load the game

-loading an older save

-completely replacing current saves with a save list i had backed up from two months ago, nothing.


What do you guys think I should do? Reinstall Skyrim with no mods? I have all my current saves backed up and if I reinstall, I want to be able to put them back in and continue with all my mods since I've invested quite a bit of time and I have a good story going for my character, ya know? The weird thing, this randomly just started happening out of nowhere. Never had the problem before. When this happened a few weeks ago, I system restored my PC to the day before the problem started, and Skyrim worked fine. I can't system restore now because I'm not sure when Skyrim was working properly and don't want to risk anything. Can someone please give me some advice and help me out here? I would greatly appreciate it.


Brief system specs...


i5 2500k sandy bridge

8gig ram

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You don't mention using BOSS. If you don't use it, that is probably the problem. Download BOSS, (it's a regular program, not a mod). Run it and read the log it generates. Address all of the messages that it gives you, especially paying attention to messages about incompatibilities, missing requirements, and obsolete mods.


If you are still having the same problem after that, copy-paste the BOSS text file in your post (enclose in spoiler tags)


I think it is possible that in the process of trying to fix your problem by adding removing mods, you may have ended up causing more problems with orphaned scripts, but I would try BOSS before giving up.

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So, what happens when you start a new game? Same CTD and kthxbye?


If not... your save is messed up... this mostly happens when

  1. Installing/uninstalling mods, especially ones that use scripting not following the proper uninstallation guide (you should always check the mod's page when you want to deactivate a mod and dont think "I know better" or "This surely can't harm" - assume this: each time you activate/deactivate a mod you are damaging your save game - there's uninstall guides to minimize the damage, but there will always be rubble left over). Uninstalling mods, even ones uninstalled long ago in your save game, can cause serious problems later on.
  2. Changing uGridToLoad values in skyrim.ini, or values not exactly knowing what you're doing when following "random internet post XYZ" in changing/adding some variables.

So if you found that a new game starts normally and your save does not - then the game is fine but your save is corrupted. You can try and load an older save game, see if that goes... but if you cannot even start the game up with your save there's not much you can do.


If a new game also doesnt load or hangs/crashes randomly or at certain points is a whole other issue. So kindly check that.

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Okay so I actually did end up doing a system restore to yesterday, and this restored me to the point before I updated NMM. You see, yesterday before these crashes started, I updated NMM when it asked me to last night. Today, after the system restore, I decided not to update when it asked me to, and what do ya know, my Skyrim works and no CTD after clicking Continue.


Does anyone know what causes this? Why would my NMM update make my game start crashing? It's working fine for now, but I believe in the future one day I will forced to update my NMM, and then these problems will start again.

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