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Daedric bow 775 damage


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I don't even know if this is the highest, I'm sure its not. But man, I'm one hitting Ancient Dragons now.

I'll try to get some Fraps video and put it on youtube, when I get time.

To do this, I took advantage of the Falmer helmet + circlet bonus. I did the whole creating fortify alchemy gear to create enchantment potions. When it was all said and done, I was creating potions that let me smith up to 129% (I think you can get higher though), and enchant gear with Fortify Archery of 44%.


With 5 items worn at 44%, a Legendary Daedric bow would give me a base of 775 damage.


ADD to that, a Fortify Markman potion of 120%, and ADD to that a Sneak Modifyer of 3x......

When sneaking, I was one hitting Mammoths, Giants, Dragons. Mirak was a pushover. Haven't gotten to him yet, but I'm sure I'll one-hit Alduin.


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I limit myself to either a hunting bow or an imperial bow and only use iron or steel arrows unless I loot better arrows from dead enemies.

once you have the perks for archery and the bonus damage for sneaking it doesn't take a many arrows to kill most things and anything difficult can be dealt with using a few shouts.

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Definitely try Legendary difficulty. While wearing some enchanted gear, my greatsword deals 518 physical damage. It is also enchanted to deal 55 chaos damage and 30-some fire damage. It still takes me about 10-15 hits to kill the Draugr Deathlords, iirc.

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