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For those who zeroed Dragonborn!


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I like how Miraak commends you for defeating Alduin (sorry if I just spoiled that for you LOL), but then he lamely says that he could have done that if he wanted, but he "chose a different path." Pfft. Yeah, right. That's why I'm kicking your sorry butt like a skeever and you have to use some reverse rez on a dragon like they're some kind of living healing potion...


You know, the main quest for DB was just pathetic and left me wondering, but wandering around the island was pretty cool. I like that whole Morrowind feel to Raven Rock. Very bleak and depressing. Good job from the art department, even if the writing is pretty generic (as usual!).

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I'm playing Skyrim for the 2nd time (almost to the end), and am wondering if it's worthwhile to buy Dragonborn?


Can you use your character with the same skills, perks, etc. or do you have to start a new character?

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I think the brevity of Dragonborn benefited the story. Personally, I found myself uninterested in completing other major questlines in Dawnguard and vanilla Skyrim because they just did not seem important enough. I would start the main quest and wander off because I didn't want go find Esbern, then I would start but not finish the Thieves Guild, indefinitely postpone the final battle in Dawnguard, and never get around to boarding The Katariah. To this day I have never finished the Companions questline.


With Dragonborn, I felt compelled to do the next part of the quest. NOT completing Dragonborn seemed to have more ramifications than never completing other questlines. For me, it felt more urgent than others. While I would have liked to see it go much more in depth into aspects like the Black Books or the relationship between the Skaal and Hermaeus Mora, I think I would have just abandoned it for later like I do with so many other quests in favor of exploring.

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@hsung....you can use your current character, Dragonborn doesn't effect your character story to date at all....same skills, perks, etc...

Can I continue with Skyrim quest after installing Dragonborn and get the new items & spells?

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