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There are spear mods that use the staves animation which kind of look like spear animations, but its kind a work around because its actually a staff that casts a really close range damage attack.


Honestly I often find myself stabbing with maces and war axes in my kill moves so i don't see what the big deal is with swinging spears. like 4/10 of the kill moves involve stabbing anyway.

Edited by Tehandyman
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There are spear mods that use the staves animation which kind of look like spear animations, but its kind a work around because its actually a staff that casts a really close range damage attack.


Honestly I often find myself stabbing with maces and war axes in my kill moves so i don't see what the big deal is with swinging spears. like 4/10 of the kill moves involve stabbing anyway.

Yeah in honesty a lot of killmoves translate really well to spears especially from the one hand sword. I think its mainly the swinging around like a sword and the odd move where you cut there head of or use a slash attack really breaks that immersion since its never the tip of the spear that hits them but more the pole.

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Hi, I was doing a little brainstorming about spears and was wondering if anyone else had thought of this. Now correct me if I'm wrong but are the animations assigned separately to each race? If so could one make a custom race(s) and then assign custom animations to each custom race? My example would be to create a custom race or races called for example "Nord Spearman" or "Redguard Spearman" or "soldier" or what ever you want to call it. Think of it as based on whatever your character's "back story" is.Then assuming the animations existed or if a modder could make them, different one-handed and two-handed weapon animations could be added for the custom race/races that would (in this example) look good for spear/polearm weapons. Along the same line you could make custom races to illustrate different fighting styles/weapon preferences. At the character creation you would just have to pick whether you wanted to be a vanilla Nord or "Nord Spearman" or whatever you name the race. If one could get that far couldn't you add the custom races throughout the game mixed in with the regular nords and whatnot? Then if all this worked vanilla races would have the vanilla animations and the new ones could have the spear animations and they could all fight and kill each other with spears And swords and live happily ever after!. Am I on the right track with this idea or is this idea just plain silly and undoable?

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