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Is someone making bug fixes on requests?


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(minor spoilers, kinda) Cause I got this really irritating bug that I've posted in bug reports without success in Dragonborn where I can't interact with the new followers such as frea and teldryn sero. When I meet Teldryn in Raven Rock and he's being all like "blade for hire! blade for hire!" but when I press to talk to him there's no dialogue option. He's just like an NPC that I can't talk to. I also persuaded Frea after completing "the path of knowledge" to be my follower but she just sits on her bench a normal NPC.

I've tried without mods and it turns out that it's just this specific character that has this problem cause I tried with another character's save that was on the same list but that's probably how the bugs work. So I'm wondering if there are patchers or bug fixers that can fix this if I send the save to them. I haven't found a solution yet on the internet yet but if you already have please send your regards.

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It helps if your bug really is a bug and not just the result of a bad mod. That's the thing. I can't fix what isn't broken for me.

It is broken, I tried without mods on a save before i got Dragonborn

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