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Crash on new game


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that's just stupid... :\ fresh vanilla install? ...man


have you tried and disable all monitoring software (you mentioned you run some of those) ? can be conflicting as well...


reinstall/update DX

reinstall/update gfx card drivers

reinstall/update soundcard drivers


vanilla game should start just fine... something else is bugging your system, apparently

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ok, had to run afk so I couldn't post everything.


Even completely unmodded games aren't 100% stable, especially games as complex as Skyrim.


Anyway with the new problem I am going to have to go farther than just activating mods one by one, as far as only installing them one by one. Regardless I am going to have to reinstall (again) and then add each mod one at a time until I find the culprit behind not being able to start a new game and play through. I am not worried about system overload, because I carefully monitor the load on my CPU, RAM and GPU through a separate utility that displays real-time data on my G19 keyboard's LCD and logs to a file every 250ms.


My feeling is that I can't let whatever mod is causing the problem (or combination of mods) even be installed, because even after removing it and going back to a previous save there may be files (probably scripts) that are still in the Data folder somewhere which are going to break the game.

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Man I feel your pain...I'm in the midst of reinstalling Skyrim myself. Game went all goofy on me last night to the point of unplayable. One thing you should do, if you don't already...Follow the STEP guide for reverting your Skyrim to a Vanilla state. It sure beats downloading the full program off of Steam. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again


That's another thing too....have you tried running your Skyrim with Steam offline? Not closed, since it has to be running...but just offline. Maybe there is something there that is causing you to crash on a vanilla game??? (Just tossing a suggestion out on that one really...something to try anyways.)


Wish you the best of luck!

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I have an archive of a clean install that I use to reinstall, I can't afford the bandwidth of repeatedly reinstalling off Steam. Been doing that with most software for longer than Windows has existed.


I can literally delete the install folder, clean the registry, and restore the archive in less time than it takes to run the uninstall executable, so I don't have to carefully leave behind certain lists of files when I delete.


BTW I would not recommend using the high res texture pack they recommend keeping on that site, the Bethesda textures are terrible.


I'm not fond of using the cheats that site recommends either. The only cheat I ever use it Lockpick Pro because I can't stand Skyrim's lock picking UI.


One thing I forgot to do was wait until after the intro movie to restore my personal set of .INI files, I'll have to try that out and see if it helps.

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"Personal Computers" weren't even in existence during my childhood. My first 'introduction' to a "PC", was a green monitor and a keyboard.....to get anything to work you had to type every line of code. Basic, was the language...Bill Gates was still devising a plan to get his hands on DOS for cheap cheap money. LOL!


I don't use the Bethesda Hi-Res texture packs either...but you should keep them in place in your Skyrim folder, or Steam will continually try to download them to your account/PC.


The cheats are listed merely for testing once you get back to Vanilla. I think the 'gist' of that guide is that you test with their cheats, then once everything is going smoothly for you, start a new character and game.

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I actually play with Steam offline all the time and rarely turn it "on" for anything, so I don't have to worry about any of my games undergoing...let's call it "involuntary renovation" :smile:


I have my computer set up to periodically check its core components, including OS and drivers etc. and notify me if anything becomes altered or there is an update available, so that part is pretty much covered. Even things like .NET are protected. The monitoring software is AIDA64, an engineering grade system tool that runs in a higher ring (or lower, depending on your perspective) in protected space so it shouldn't have any effect on the game, but just to be sure I did test both with and without it.


Anyway I did yet another completely clean install from an archive before I cleaned the DLCs with TES5Edit, and I now have a "Just stepped off the turnip wagon" save that actually can be reloaded successfully. A few at a time, I am adding mods and reloading the save to see if it loads successfully, then exporting the current load order from NMM. So far so good with 32 files in my load order, perhaps 1/3 of the mods I want to run. Already eliminated half a dozen or so that appear to have potential conflicts, that I can do without.


P.S.: I also am an old fogey from the pre-computer era, I was in my teens before the (arguably) first commercial grade computer came out (and got one of course, a TRS-80) and the only games I played were BASIC ones I typed in by hand out of BYTE magazine. Perhaps I should have been born a few years later, or earlier :smile:


P.P.S.: Marvel > D.C. :P


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Well I have narrowed it down to this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31268 , which according to Beth forums uses some highly unorthodox methods.


When I install it, everything grinds to a complete halt. When I uninstall it, everything works fine. I even added back some other mods that I deleted because I thought they "might" be responsible, but they are all working fine now.

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