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Critter script bugfix


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Hello! I'm using the last script and pretty much stopped about 50% of my crashes, however, when I travel around Fort Amol, I get the nasty log spam again. That's just me though.


Here's the last lines of the log.

07/25/2013 - 04:34:43AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 318
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "critterDragonFly.psc" Line 191
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:43AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 322
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "critterDragonFly.psc" Line 191
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:55AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 318
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.OnCellDetach() - "critterFish.psc" Line 283
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:55AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 322
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.OnCellDetach() - "critterFish.psc" Line 283
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:03AM] VM is freezing...
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:03AM] VM is frozen
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:05AM] Saving game...
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:06AM] VM is thawing...

07/25/2013 - 04:34:43AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 318
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "critterDragonFly.psc" Line 191
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:43AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 322
[ (FF000FD9)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "critterDragonFly.psc" Line 191
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:55AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 318
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.OnCellDetach() - "critterFish.psc" Line 283
[07/25/2013 - 04:34:55AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.DisableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 322
[ (FF000FD8)].critterFish.OnCellDetach() - "critterFish.psc" Line 283
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:03AM] VM is freezing...
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:03AM] VM is frozen
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:05AM] Saving game...
[07/25/2013 - 04:35:06AM] VM is thawing...


Edited by pillullis
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Everyone, please note that it is very important that you never ever run "Skyrim Save Cleaner" on your savegames. Objects such as critters place hidden markers in the game to calculate the coordinates required for landing on plants and stuff. Mods like "Skyrim Save Cleaner" may unintentionally delete these hidden markers causing the critter scripts to break. While you might think that you are "cleaning up" broken scripts from your save game, you are in fact making the problem worse! If you get a lot of "none object" type errors in your logs, it could well be the product of "cleaning" your save.
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I've identified an issue with critter.pex for players using this script file on pre-existing saves. The issue is that on one file I tested it on, I took a character in Solstheim that was at the skall village and took it down along the eastern coastline until I saw salmon in the water to my left (not far from Nchardak). I tried to "catch" them and while the critter vanished like it should, I got zilch from it. " gained" was all the game said. There were river betty a little swim from there and those worked, so the script broke that spawned group of salmon in the ocean...which makes no sense but at the time I was busy tracing this down.


If I used just CritterSpawn.pex, the spawned salmon in the ocean at that spot worked dandy and I collect salmon meat from them. If I throw Critter.pex into the mix, the salmon wont give me anything.


I'm not sure if this is a problem that will exist on new saves due to the time it takes to get to solstheim and my lack of knowledge of what coc points I can use to warp there from the title screen. I'll research that and come back if it works as intended for new save games (which is what its meant for anyway).



So I used a coc command from the title screen to get to raven rock and ran to Bujold's Retreat which is at the camp the "Thirsk hall rejects" plant themselves. The salmon spawned in the water near the boats and as expected I couldn't harvest them. Critter.pex seems to be broken somehow if it has to mess with the fish spawned in by critterspawn.pex. Unfortunate. This means new characters will get this problem too (at least if they go to solstheim and visit Bujold's Retreat to go fishing). May be other places it doesn't mesh well with the Dragonborn DLC.

Edited by MarkusFox
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@MarkusFox: it's not appropriate to claim that you have identified an issue for "players" when you have only tested your own savegame. I haven't touched any of the harvesting code in those scripts btw. Edit: I've just double-checked, I'm not having any issues harvesting salmon in the water using these scripts with a game in progress. Edited by steve40
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@MarkusFox: it's not appropriate to claim that you have identified an issue for "players" when you have only tested your own savegame. I haven't touched any of the harvesting code in those scripts btw. Edit: I've just double-checked, I'm not having any issues harvesting salmon in the water using these scripts with a game in progress.


Regardless I loaded up and did "coc dlc2ravenrock01" from the title screen and ran there the long way. With That one specific script won't let me collect salmon from Bujold's Retreat using that default test character (which is a clean character that hasn't done any quests nor has any items). The only thing I can think of that messes with things is Omletter's Harvest Overhaul mod and all that does it allow harvesting of multiple items from a source (IE: say, 1 clam meat from an oyster or 2 salmon meats + roe from a salmon).


...Yeah looks like I haven't quite tested it thoroughly. The base plugin for Harvest Overhaul (HarvestOverhaulDawnguardDragonborn.esp) breaks harvesting fish with critter.pex in the scripts folder. Its literally the first plugin I enabled in the second testing phase besides the unofficial patches, Immersive Patrols and SkyUI (and Immersive Patrols doesn't mess with fish while the unofficial patches might since they use an older version of the script). Will need to test it against the other "base" options for that mod since it has plugins for vanilla skyrim, dawnguard, and dragonborn on top of the combos for people with different arrangements of DLC. If it breaks with anything else in that mod then maybe poking Omletter with a stick will be needed soon.



Yup. Harvest Overhaul's dragonborn plugins and critter.pex don't like each other. When Harvest Overhaul isn't active, it behaves as its supposed to. But the moment any harvest overhaul plugin that messes with dragonborn is installed, those fish at Bujold's Retreat break. Time to inform Omletter I guess. Thanks for the fixes, the rest of them do well to keep the papyrus logs from getting too messy, new game or not (in which case, those files won't get messier).

Edited by MarkusFox
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@MarkusFox: the issue you described in your previous post is that the ingredients were not set correctly on your salmon in certain locations. That is something that is set in the CK. That makes the Harvest Overhaul mod look very guilty. Edit: I confirm that it is Harvest Overhaul that is causing the problem. The first time I harvested a salmon after installing that mod, it worked, then every salmon I harvested after that was broken. I'll investigate further. Tx. Edited by steve40
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Hi, I did a bit of testing trying to figure out what was going on with the compatibility between HO and the scripting. I figured out a couple of things; maybe you can decipher them a bit.

First, with the Unofficial Patches, those particular fish don't even spawn. They do spawn without them. However, they're broke as far as Harvest Overhaul is concerned either way.

Second, the issue stems from an edit of critterSalmonLootable. Instead of just pointing to a single item, the changed form points instead to a leveled item. Deleting this change makes your script function as intended, but obviously prevents HO from delivering loot on moving fish.

Third, it SEEMS to be limited to the mixed schools. If a school is all salmon, it's fine. If there's a salmon in a mixed school, it bugs out.

Fourth, and the exception to three. critterSpawnPond_Deep_FishOnly always appears bugged. I can't help but notice this one is the only one without critterSpawn attached, only critterSpawn01, though I confess I don't know if that's relevant. It's worth noting that this activator always works fine without your script as far as HO is concerned, both in terms of spawning and correct loot. Still lost as to why the ones off Solstheim aren't spawning.

Hopefully that helps you figure out what's going on, at least a little. Prior to this, there were no complaints of salmon behaving strangely, random complaint about Hearthfire's implementation of salmon roe aside. Curious as to what changed to make it no longer work.

Edited by Xubarku
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The problem is not with my script specifically. I deleted my script and recompiled the vanilla critter script and put that in the scripts folder and the problem with harvesting HO salmon is still there!

It appears that HO does not like having any loose file version of the critter script, even the vanilla one. I'm not sure why.


Edit: Ah, USKP has made some changes to the harvesting code in critter.psc. Now I'm getting close to the root of the problem :smile:


Edit: USKP adds some new code to allow harvesting of multiple items from a formlist. So basically that means that HO requires USKP or the salmon will be broken. I'll copy this modification into my script and the problem should be solved.

Edited by steve40
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