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Alternate Start mod


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I was thinking of a different kind of alternate start. One that would have your character start out at (or perhaps immediately after) the scene where the greybeards all surround and shout at the dragonborn. (At the end of the quest "The Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller"). Ideally, the character would have no skills levelled, but the main quest up to this point (and no other quests, period) completed. it would go directly to the character creation menu from there, after the greybeards welcome you.


My reason for this is that I find those first few missions terribly boring, and would like to start a new character without going through them. And I find it rather immersion-breaking, as I want to roleplay as a character who had been raised by the greybeards to be the dragonborn. That's not that important, I just thought I'd explain my reasoning.

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