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It really is all about graphics

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People wonder why no one is making new worlds or quests. This would be why.

No one is making new worlds and quests because people also like how the game looks, and it's easier to make textures than quests. Also, modders make stuff they want and like and as a modder myself, I respect that. I may not like the mods they make but I do respect that.


And I can understand why people don't want to make big quest mods, that CK is an unstable piece of junk and some of the scripts tied to a big quest mod get remembered in your save and crash your game if you ever remove it.


Aside from that, making big mods is a huge amount of work, from actually making the mod work at all to creating and adding new content, maybe adding support for DLCs, making sure it's stable, then making sure that the mod doesn't conflict with other mods, releasing it, patching it, listening to hundreds of users yapping about things that are clearly stated in the description, etc. I understand that people don't want to deal with that, and again, I respect that.

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While these are good it does get very samey over on skyrim nexus, maybe due to the ratings war that authors are quick to pump out beauty mods for fast ratings? I'm not saying it's a bad thing (each to their own), I do enjoy these mods but I think it's safe to say we are way more than spoiled for choice now and the way I see it, part of the joy of modding is to make something different - to get a look at what we have available and try to be creative and make something different that will enhance the game...not just aesthetically.


Hey if it's of any consolation to you I have got a unique quest/dungeon mod in the pipeline, I will be putting more focus into it once me and dogtown get Momod sorted for re-release.

Edited by Ironman5000
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that CK is an unstable piece of junk and some of the scripts tied to a big quest mod get remembered in your save and crash your game if you ever remove it.

Pretty much this ^


Almost anything genuinely awesome you try to make is basically doomed to failure, and not because of author errors... Having said that, there are a few exceptions out there, of course, and I have enormous respect for those who can pull it off.


I abandoned my LTC (Lively Towns And Cities) project because neither Papyrus nor the CK can cope with what I wanted to do. Admittedly, I was trying to fetch over one thousand references at once (lulz), but if you don't do something that mental, the vast majority of users on here these days will only complain about how your mod "sucks" or is not as good as Mod X.


Frankly, the image share section suffers a similar problem in my eyes. If it's not a generic portrait of a good-looking, 21st century supermodel female character with a John Wayne ENB (saw someone use that phrase earlier and just had to use it myself, haha) slapped all over it, nobody seems to care... I know this from my own images. I uploaded one of the aforementioned images once and it got a fair amount of endorsements pretty quickly...

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