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How do you (mod) tailor your Skyrim experience?


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I could not stand no fast travel, my finger hurt so much the first time I played skyrim from holding down the forward key:-( I don't like to use horses because of problems with followers that can only be solved by mods. Those mods cause other problems and have features I don't like that I can't turn off so the horsies stay in the stables. There is no carriage ride outta there for some quests like that one quest where you have to find that girl in the village and bring her back to the temple in markarth. My next playthrough I plan on using the carriage at cities instead of just selecting fast travel and I plan on exploring or traveling a lot more to nearby areas instead of just fast travel but I still need it in some circumstances.


I want to eventually make a custom npc mod using cbbe and other stuff for certain npc like housecarls and marriage candidates etc. but not every single female in the game needs a giant butt and ballistic missiles. Some of tjhe default npc are ok maybe just fix their ragged hair and clothes for those that are not homeless or farm labor. I want to replace a lot of default stuff like weapons and armor so it all doesn't look the same aka unique weapons and armor. Hopefully someday someone will make a mod for replacing redundant voices in the game. I can only stand the voice of that lady from babylon 5 so much before I have to quit playing for a while and the same goes for other voices too. The guy at the drunken huntsman should sound not sound like a bunch of other npc. Robert picardo is a very distinct voice and I hate to hear it wasted. Also the voice of batoh from ghost in the shell is way over used in this game. He sounds like he is straining to sound different because he is normally the voice of a tough character not a chicken sh!t like proventus. Someone really needs to make a different voice for the defining characters like the default leader of the thieves guild and the leader of the forsworn and so on. That voice is good only for belethor but it sounds terrible for anyone else. Through the use of text to speech voice tech and detailed manipulation of each word spoken from that tech it is possible to replace some voices for minor npc but actors are needed for the rest.


Mods are the key to enjoying this game all the way through, I don't think I could play this game more than once without mods because the time investment is just too much. That seems to be a major problem with elderscrolls games for me, if it is going to be really long and tedious and boring then why play it? I played all the way through once but that was before the DLC came out so my next playthrough will be with DLC and a lot of mods. After the second playthrough I don't know if I will play it again so probably try to stretch it out and enjoy the mods and dlc stuff.

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As a mod author, don't you think you should be supportive of your fellow modders instead of referring to their work as junk? Just saying you came off as a bit rude.

As a mod author, I support what gsmanners said, once you pile up enough stuff that conflicts with each other, nothing in the load order is anything more than a bunch of junk code. I'd say the same if there was a bunch of my mods in that very load order, like I once did.


And the guy wasn't rude, he was just stating the facts. :yes:

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I'm an immersion junkie myself, Frostfall, RND, CoT, Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger, No Fast Travel, Real Shelter, I could go on forever with all the immersion mods I have but I don't want to take up to much space lol. I also try and get my game as graphically intense as possible, I built my current computer just for Skyrim. It has a AMD six-core processor, 2 EVGA Geforce 660 super clocked SLI Video cards 4 gigs Vram total, along with 16 gigs of hardware ram and an ASUS crossfire formula-Z MoBo. I currently run 170 mods with 60 fps 90% of the time.



Why is it that everyone else is piling on junk and then wondering why the game crashes all the time? Well, duh...

As a mod author, don't you think you should be supportive of your fellow modders instead of referring to their work as junk? Just saying you came off as a bit rude.

Sorry if it sounded rude, but this engine really can't handle everything Bethesda throws at it, let alone all the "work" we add to it. I've really been scratching my head trying to come up with an elegant solution, but there's just no easy way to deal with it. Then you add about 100 mods that pile things on, and... Well, it's just been my experience that it strongly correlates with freezing and crashing.

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I understand that, but the way you worded it sounded like you were calling others work "junk". Then again, that's the downside of communicating through an internet medium, you can't tell tone of voice lol. And I apologize it it sounded like I was getting to riled up about it.

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I think we all should appreciate the hard work modders do.


CTD s always a fact when you alter a game, But think of how much value you get out of it.


I know how to mod but until now ive only made 1 and i can tell you that it takes a lot of work, Thanks to all of them that willingly spends hours every day just to entertain us :biggrin:

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I used to go for immersion, but all I really want now are mods that feel like an extension to the main game. That requires them to be lore friendly, but also share similar design styles to the original. Also, even if they break lore, I don't mind mods that restore beta content, because to me, said content would have been the lore if not cut and if beta content is left in a game, it's mostly from late in development and was cut more for time reasons than story changes, so it's almost what the lore should have been, in my opinion. But maybe it's mostly because I'm a beta nut of any game, plus you can't emulate design better than restoring cut content made by none other than the developers.


But yeah, that's ideal, as long as a mod doesn't break lore, I'm more lenient on design choices and if the mod is plain well done, I'll probably check it out if not use it regularly.

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