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I really enjoy mod making and other hobbies that allow me to employ my creativity and attention to detail.


Unfortunately, I don't know how to do scripting and I can't make meshes and textures from scratch. I feel a little disenfranchised when I put a lot of time and effort into making a mod only to see someone else make the same exact kind of mod a couple months later that gets way more attention and endorsements. Maybe it would help if I could make fancy looking layouts for my mod description pages.


Anyway, I'm looking to put my talent to good use. If anyone is working on a mod and needs help with mundane tasks, feel free to message me. I'm very attentive to detail and am reasonably well-versed in using the CK. I'm also pretty good with Photoshop.

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I'm with the "As Night Began" beginning Mod team if you want to check it out: (http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/437-as-night-began/)


Hopefully, when we have a lot of content to show off more people will jump on board: particularly a talented scripter.


We'd love to have you if you're up for it. Right now we're just creating the interiors and worldspace, meaning we mostly just need people familiar with the C.K. basics to go in there and create content.

Edited by chacotaco91
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I would like to have you input on the following page if you don't mind!


House Mod Input


Edit: I'm also with the As Night Began team with Chaco and to reiterate what he said we could always use more people on our interior team. Here's a link to our team leads nexus page if you haven't already contacted him...


Alternatively our discussion thread is found here...

ANB Recruiting


Look forward to seeing you on our team!

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I tend to focus all my time on modding so my mod pages end up pretty neglected.


I'm a very talented scripter, so perhaps you would consider helping me with brainstorming and page layouts?

I know how to use SkyProc for batch operations so I won't ask for any repetitive or overly mundane.


Here are my two big mod pages for your consideration.




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Interior design is pretty simple, but my biggest complaint is the lack of variety in construction sets. There are too many pieces of the same type that don't line up properly and/or are so asymmetrical that they look ridiculous side by side.

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Interior design is pretty simple, but my biggest complaint is the lack of variety in construction sets. There are too many pieces of the same type that don't line up properly and/or are so asymmetrical that they look ridiculous side by side.

I really suck at laying everything out most of the time my interiors/exteriors end up looking empty and all I have to the city so far are the walls. I really don't wan't to give up on this mod just because I can't get the city to look good enough.

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