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In response to post #7983016.

I think this may be because the search is based on Unique Downloads, while what is shown is the total downloads.

I guess the best thing would be if what was shown was the unique downloads, as that represents how many uses it the most.
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I am slowley really getting pissed about the Nexus. I dont know since when you are claiming "to fix problems and soon all will run much smoother". But in fact, nothing changes. I can't count how many times i get the "internal server error" or it takes unbelievable long for a page to build up.

Before you changed the look of the Nexus sites (1 or 2 years ago, don't remember exactly, or was it even longer ago) all was running much, much smoother. Maybe, you shoud consider going back to the old system. New and fancy looking is not always better....


P.S. Just wanted to edit my post here and it took me rougly 10 tries to get here because some "500 internal server error" and some "502 Bad gateway" . Really, Really anoying.

Edited by Battlestar1965
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In response to post #7976753.

Did you put "breaks" in quotes because it doesn't actually break any bookmarks at all, it just looks different?

OK let me explain : i bookmark a lot of pages on the nexus sites. maybe 3 or 4 hundred of links for the entire Nexusmods.com i guess. My browser puts a colored star when i have already bookmaked a mod's page. This permits to me not to rebookmark this page. When the URL rewriting changes, it "breaks" the recognition of theses bookmarks and tell me that i haven't already bookmarked this mod's page. Even if it was bookmarked in the past !


And redoing such a number of links ...

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skyrim.nexusmods.com appears to be broken, all I get is some basic text with no pictures or style elements. All the other *.nexusmods.com sites seem to be working.


I thought it might be just because it's Sunday at 10AM EST, but if that were the case all sites would be affected including the forums which are also working fine.

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OMG you guys did it again! This is the 5th time you've changed the url pathing!

Good god breaking all my bookmarks again.

Used to have a different skyrim.nexus pathing, then you moved from url.downloads.url bla bla.

Then took out downloads, then it became skyrim.nexusmods.com slash mods slash number.

Now you add a slash ? to the end.

Seriously WTF guys?!

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F3 downloads are broken



The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

No file exists for this ID.

Reporting this error

If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use our bugtracker (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-4-nexus-site-beta/) to report it.

Please attach the following link to the bug description:


Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Well well well ... The last changes are a serious problem of URL rewriting. Let's see :



Main page :

- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com//? => problem

- http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/ => OK


New today :

- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/newtoday//? => problem

- http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/newtoday/ => OK


One mod for example :

- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35695/? => problem

- http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35695 => OK


Two observations : - the "http://skyrim. ..." without the "www" has the URL rewriting problem with "//?" ou "/?" added at the end of the URL. - the "http://www.skyrim. ..." with the "www" hasn't the URL rewriting problem AND has the "old" AJAX system without the "backward" compatibility (serious guys, use any modern browser) neither the crappy URL when you reads the comments directly by the mods page ... One thing you can do is : put an option for your users tu revert to the old AJAX system as they wish.

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The new changes are nice, and appreciated, but guys, seriously: It's 2013, not 1993.


Please stop designing Nexus as a fixed-width website: more than any other improvement you could do here, the site needs to strrettttccchhhhh to fit the user's screen. Make it more liquid - I see more backdrop than mods!


Why am I looking at a 800px wide ribbon on a 1900 pixel wide computer? you could even fit more ads! More revenue! Happier customers! Three tiny columns of search results? Honestly?

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That's really a personal preference thing, though it could be set up to give the user a choice to sreatch or not to stretch. Personally I've never needed to open a web page wider than half my 1920x1200 screen and I don't expect to do it once I get my 2560x1600 one installed. On-topic, I'd rather a site that worked than one which didn't. I am playing Fallout 3 today because skyrim.nexusmods.com is broken and I can't get at two mods I need to replace. Fixes > features, although the software companies don't seem to get that do they? ;D

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