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question about the AUP


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I remember reading a rule forbidding pornographic material from being posted on oblivion.nexusmods.com. I don't know if this only applies to the image gallery, or mods, or the entire site. I'm also unsure what is meant by "pornographic material." I see many mods and images I would definitely call pornographic, but they've been up for months or years. Does this rule forbid actual photographs of real people? Is only Oblivion content allowed?


I ask because I'm making a few sexy mods, and I want to upload some of them. These will include body mods with excessive proportions, sexy clothing for these bodies and other such adult-y stuff.

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Adult-content in files is fine provided you own the copyright, and mark it as adult-only.


We don't allow nudity in the image share, only in the Supporter's Image Share (Premium Members and Supporters).

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