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Creation Kit question - problems with the preview


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Hey, I'm a relatively inexperienced modder. I've spent a lot of time in the Creation Kit thus far just crafting dungeons and I haven't shipped any mods, but now I am interested starting to make polished mods worth shipping.


Anyway, though this may indeed be a noob question, my question is about the previews of exterior worldspaces in the kit. There seems to be a very big, recurring issue with large static items vanishing and not coming back, or coming back randomly and unpredictably, even if the camera is moved near them. I'm running into this a lot with large rocks in the landscape and the things around them just vanishing and not being there consistently. Is there a way to address this?

In general, also, is there a way to make things pop in farther away?


This is what I mean:




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hit F4 and you will see the collusion. At least they won't be invisible at all. You can reload the cell with F5, this will make them visible again.
Theres no permanent solution fot this bug.

What do you mean by pop in farther away?

Edited by 3AMt
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Yeah the CK can be pretty buggy, you just have to learn to push it's buttons the right way (literally and figuratively). As far as being able to see objects farther away, I don't believe there is a way to render items further away then what the CK is defaulted to. It can be quite annoying to have to scroll across the map several times to find what your looking for, but again it's one of those things you have to just deal with. Good luck with your mods!

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