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Ultimate Follower Overhaul and Amazing Follower Tweaks seem to do roughly the same thing -- or at least have the same goals in mind -- and they are incompatible with each other. My play style tends more towards light role playing; I use Realistic Needs and Diseases, stick to a basic character archetype, and use no (okay, very minimal) fast travel.

So which mod do you guys recommend? Who has better features, is less buggy, and is all around just more fun to play?

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I used to use UFO, but switched to AFT a while ago because UFO does a lot of stuff I don't really care about (I only have followers when the game forces me to, thus being able to hire 100 followers is pointless for me), plus AFT has better compatibility with certain follower mods such as Atvir and Hoth.


They aren't compatible, so really it depends on what exactly you're after. Read up on what they do, and make your decision based on that. =)

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I'v always used AFT, thoguh I tried UFO many times, I ALWAYS have problems with it, it's usually just really glitchy. Everything from my followers being stuck in giant invisible bubbles they can walk around in, but not out of, to followers attacking me, to total moronic AI choices. Once I got attacked by a bandit, my 'tank' took off running at him, met up with him and just kept going and ran off into the distance, while my mage lit me on fire.


UFO just does WAY to much for something that should be very simple, and to add it's pretty outdated and has a list of conflicting mods a mile long. I also had it corrupt my save files ona couple occasions.


AFT does all the same general follower things UFO does, like letting you have several followers, setting up their combat types and gear, pretty much everything you want vanilla followers to be able to do. It also doesn't add in tons of extra features that no one really wants yet they create issues and glitches that can be totally gamebreaking, if not at least lethal when your tank runs off mid combat to chase a rabbit or something.


AFT is also much better if you wan to USE NPCs from other mods. UFO has issues with other mods sometimes.


AFT also has a 'pose' feature, which is GREAT for screen shots, letting you pose your followers in a great number of ways and make them stay put so you pose yourself and take a screen shot.

Edited by ArtMurder
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I may switch to AFT...but what I still like is that UFO adds a horse inventory, so I don#t have to use Convenient Horses. The latter is a mod that has the same problem as UFO imho: It is too big and complex. I don#t want to pick up flowers from horseback! :D


So, that being said: Is there an up-to-date mod combination of AFT + a simple horse inventory that could possible replace UFO for me?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 1 month later...

Wait, wait, wait... UFO and AFT aren't compatible!? I've been using both for over a year now... And while I do run into issues (i.e. loading screens run infinitely, random CTD's, random freezes, black screens on loading an area or trying to use the map, etc.) I always just chalked that up to the fact that I'm running 150+ mods... I mean, I had the majority of these issues before I used both of these mods at the same time!


Now that I think about it, I really don't need UFO, I rarely use it's features... This also may be the source of my horses bug: Whenever I see/summon a non-standard horse (model I mean), it changes itself into a random, vanilla horse model. This has happened for a number of horses, mainly Arvok from the Dawnguard DLC, and that mod on the Nexus for a Dwemer steam horse.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Honestly, this is very informative. The only thing that ATF does that I don't like is limit your followers to 5. Even if I have them just sitting at my house I can have a ton of followers with UFO. I just wish that I could have a ton more with ATF cuz I think it may be the more stable and have all I want of the 2. Hmmm, considerations considerations. I have to probably limit my mods of followers now. Grrrrr, besides armor and weapon mods my follower mods are large in number! I like variety and options.

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