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BOSS error message


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I have just recently reinstalled Skyrim (again) from an unmodded backup that already has the Update and DLC files cleaned with TES5Edit. I ran BOSS and had no problems, then proceeded to install the last set of mods that I used.


Everything was fine according to BOSS after that, but when I added several more this message suddenly cropped up:


ERROR: "SkyRe_(Plugin_)?DreadKnightWeaponSet(_0.99}?\.esp" is not a valid regular expression. Item skipped.


Has anyone seen this before? I am wondering if;


a) it has anything to do with adding mods since the "back" functionality was added to the Nexus website, because of that whole issue with links and the extra "?" in the IRL.


b) It could be some kind of problem that crept in during a faulty mod install, in which case no amount of uninstalling (over 100) mods and testing with BOSS to see if the message disappears will matter, leaving me with nothing but Skyrim.esm installed and still the message being there.


If only BOSS provided a bit more information about where it was encountering this reference, it would make things a lot easier, but it doesn't and I don't know enough about the program to even know where to start looking.


Any insight, anybody?


Or will I just have to start the standard troubleshooting of uninstalling one mod at a time and testing all over again (for the sixth time in the last week or so)?




Edit: I do not use the Dread Knight weapon set or SkyRe and never have.

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I found the problem, it is in the BOSS Masterlist.txt file downloaded each time BOSS is run.


With the BOSS forum thread locked, where would I go to report this problem?

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I don't see any, but I found the BOSS bug tracking site and was able to enter it there. Until then I don't think it affects my Skyrim, so I'll just cross my fingers and hope I am making a safe assumption.

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