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CTD when taking first imperial armor


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Im using UNP.....with BBP and ya know what I ended deciding to play a male charachter so I don't really need that . Ill take it out and what happens. Do you think Im gonna be able to fix this and use the game Im playing or start over cause Im still in the beginning, no quests done or even persued.



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I think I fixed it with UNP's Bakini Crash to Desktop replacer, I didn't realize until you mentioned it that females were what I was taking apparel from every time it crashed.


Thanks for helping me, I hope the problem is resolved now.

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No problem. Body replacers are just meshes and textures, most do not even come with plugins and do not use papyrus scripts, so it's safe to uninstall them as they won't leave orphan data in your save games. But for those bouncing breasts ones, they need to be installed carefully as they can cause issues such as this. Sometimes it's not the body replacers themselves but the equally 'bouncy' armour or clothing conversions that has been designed specifically for them. If the body replacer has not been properly installed first, then it could also cause problems when you try to loot or equip armour or clothing meshes that have been tailored for those bodies.

Edited by ripple
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