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Need help! Texture mods not loading


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Hello all, I wanted to clean out my overloaded drive and do a fresh new install of the game (onto my seperate D: back up drive, not the original main C: drive) and all the texture mods are not working that were working fine before I did a new install. I have the most recent F4SE and NMM. I have changed load order to have them on the bottom and reinstalled multiple times but still nothing. I installed Bethini. and added loose files and updated all the ini. folders manually too just in case, but still comes up the same horrible vanilla looking textures. I have tried using both Luxor8071 and Flaconoil's mods and both will not work, but everything else seems to run fine. On other forums I have read recent similar issues but no real solution is ever replied back or the thread is not continued after one or 2 replies of steps already taken. Is anyone else having this issue? Did Bugthesda come out with another update that blocks all textures out of jealousy of the modding community that is able to make better textures than their own?
I was told to not use NMM and instead to use MO2 because it is still being updated so I uninstalled FO4, NMM, F4SE, and all mods (even some old files of vortex and mods that was taking up over 60 GB all this time that I didn't know about that were hidden). I then reinstalled FO4, MO2, F4SE, all the mods again, and setup all the .ini files with Beth.ini and am still unable to get the various texture mods to work. I also made sure to put the textures on lowest order but still no go. Is any one else with a fresh install having this same issue?


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You can always unpack *-textures.BA2 to a folder and drop those in your data/texture folder.

(Loose files always win)!


By and large i have noticed a general increase in performance, quality, stability doing so, also with -main.b2 files...


(Theory being BA2s are containers with lots behind a limited number of openings loose files are "just laying there" for easy random access).

BUT: you need a beast of a computer for that to work out well for you. (And, updates are a bugger).


Otherwise, not being familiar with Bethini there many tweaks to get graphics working right in this game environment.

Perhaps something you did before did not happen this time, BT/DT.


Toward what i think HeyYou is alluding to: Are any of your mods loading at all?

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I will give those a shot but I keep hearing from others that when using loose files that it lowers the performance. I have an I7 cpu but only a regular 1080 video card. With the ini I have manually added those commands just in case. Regarding mods I have started a new playthrough and seems like some are working and others are not. I have made some more tweaks and notice now some textures in the mod are working but then some in the same mod file are not, example: the doors and table are retextured but then I will load a save and then they won't be but other things that weren't originally are now retextured. The same with settler and companion overhauls and face replacers, I tried changing the orders but seems like the plugin location is not making a differance in MO2. I have used LOOT to organize and that did not seem to help either. I have been trying to work with MO2 but it seems more difficult to work with than NMM and the last time I used vortex was way difficult using that organization map. Should I try going back to NMM?

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