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Skyrim a game too easy?


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Does anyone here besides me think that the main villains of Skyrim are very facies to kill? They should not have more HP or resistance "for the battle be somewhat prolonged", giving you the feeling that the game really is giving you some challenge? I've zeroed the game without cheats once, killed all the main boss in less than 10 minutes. My character has reached the maximum level and the game no longer offered more challenge. The battle against Miraak lasted only 13 minutes. Would like to know how to extend these battles to deliver epic moment, giving you a bit of work and a challenge to kill the bosses. Someone know how?'ve Tried playing on maximum difficulty that the game allows and yet remains easy.
Edited by FillipeMattos
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Set the game to master, where you deal 50% less damage and take twice as much damage.


Better yet, go to legendary, or start a new character on legendary, see how a novice fire or ice mage will take you out in seconds.

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Does anyone here besides me think that the main villains of Skyrim are very facies to kill? They should not have more HP or resistance "for the battle be somewhat prolonged", giving you the feeling that the game really is giving you some challenge? I've zeroed the game without cheats once, killed all the main boss in less than 10 minutes. My character has reached the maximum level and the game no longer offered more challenge. The battle against Miraak lasted only 13 minutes. Would like to know how to extend these battles to deliver epic moment, giving you a bit of work and a challenge to kill the bosses. Someone know how?'ve Tried playing on maximum difficulty that the game allows and yet remains easy.



Install Deadly Dragons, I once spend 30 min fighting one of the "normal" dragons in the game :P Granted I was also running another mod that multiplies master difficulty x4

Edited by Monkinsane
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Good thing we can Mod our games then.... :happy: ...The vanilla is a walk in the park, there are a number a of good Mods that change that fact.... :happy:


Yup ATM have a LVL 58 Mage/Archer - Running Deadly Dragons, Locational Damage & Deadly Combat (plenty other mods as well) on Master Difficulty - 2 Arrows from a Bandit Elite & I'm toast. I see 2 or three Vamps next to the road, I do the smart thing - Send in Lydia cannonfodder while I spam my Fireball Spell from a distance LOL.

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Good thing we can Mod our games then.... :happy: ...The vanilla is a walk in the park, there are a number a of good Mods that change that fact.... :happy:


Yup ATM have a LVL 58 Mage/Archer - Running Deadly Dragons, Locational Damage & Deadly Combat (plenty other mods as well) on Master Difficulty - 2 Arrows from a Bandit Elite & I'm toast. I see 2 or three Vamps next to the road, I do the smart thing - Send in Lydia cannonfodder while I spam my Fireball Spell from a distance LOL.

Indeed, I am so grateful to the modders who have given so much of their time and patience and creativity to fix the combat and AI in Skyrim! I'm sure without modded combat I would no longer be playing this game.

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Good thing we can Mod our games then.... :happy: ...The vanilla is a walk in the park, there are a number a of good Mods that change that fact.... :happy:


Yup ATM have a LVL 58 Mage/Archer - Running Deadly Dragons, Locational Damage & Deadly Combat (plenty other mods as well) on Master Difficulty - 2 Arrows from a Bandit Elite & I'm toast. I see 2 or three Vamps next to the road, I do the smart thing - Send in Lydia cannonfodder while I spam my Fireball Spell from a distance LOL.

Indeed, I am so grateful to the modders who have given so much of their time and patience and creativity to fix the combat and AI in Skyrim! I'm sure without modded combat I would no longer be playing this game.


Yup, I wish I had the time to actually mess around with the creation kit. I would love to churn out a creation or 2 of my own.

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