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Skyrim a game too easy?


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What is the best mod combat that exists in Nexus lately?
(That provides a harder and there is less risk of CTD)
1 - TK Combat
2 - Duel Combat Realism
3 - Deadly Combat


I would suggest using Deadly combat in combination with Locational damage.


Deadly combat makes combat so much harder, whilst locational damage makes you or enemy take more damage from a headshot than a shot in the leg for example.


The trick to modding is not to add2 things that change the same things. Be very careful about what mods you add. If you do that, you'll have minimal issues.


Stick to mods on Skyrim GEMS at first (Not all of them :) ) untill you get more familiar with how the mods interact and so on. also, add one mod at a time, play for a while after adding one, before adding another.

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You ever played Sonic 2? That was probably the perfect platformer game, anyway. The boss battles in that game would take roughly five minutes, but they were incredibly HARD. That's how combat-type game should be. It isn't how long the battle takes, as much as how much challenge it presents.


To use a more recent example, Dragon Age Origins had some decent boss battles. Especially the brood mother. That was an awesome battle.

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The boss battles in that game would take roughly five minutes, but they were incredibly HARD. That's how combat-type game should be. It isn't how long the battle takes, as much as how much challenge it presents.


I agree with this, but I also have to admit to my gaming wussness and state that I would never want my game to be as hard as some of you describe that you have modded yours to be. I get enough of a challenge in my real life to where I don't often feel like coming home and having a greater challenge there... that and I am lazy :D


Much respect to you guys and the modders that cater to your needs.

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Frostfall + Duel Combat Realism + Realistic Wildlife and Predators + Complex Needs + No Fast Travel + Adept Combat Difficulty = A much more challenging and satisfying Skyrim experience.


Try it and I don't believe you'll be disappointed.

Edited by SkinkFargle
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Permadeath ups the difficulty, too, but it also forces a very conservative playstyle which may not be to your liking.


You might also not like that the most deadly boss in all of Skyrim is Sir Isaac Newton. He's from Earth yet his grasping skeletal hand reaches across time and space dragging the fragile lives of impatient adveturers all over Nirn straight into the grave ... no digging required; you'll make your own hole.


You do learn to start looking for paths and slopes and stairs rather than mountain-climbing. Clairvoyance goes from a novelty to a life-saver. It's largely psychological; without it I'd get impatient. With it I know which way to go and have proof I'm making progress toward my destination ... when it's working at least.

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Pfft. I can beat Isaac Newton. Just *feim* and tada!


No, the most deadly boss is the sharp cracks between mountains that can make movement utterly impossible (and force you to either reload or do a cheat like TCL to escape).


And actually, the hardest thing in the game is to be a strict pacifist enchanter who also respects the property of others (including enemies).

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Perhaps if you increase the resistance of the armor could do main bosses more difficult ( without the need to increase their health to 3 million ). Preferably would like to do it alone without help from other mods, but how could I change the value of the armor by creation kit? Edited by FillipeMattos
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My initial idea was to make enemies of Skyrim had a separate level of the player" (As in most RPG old). In Skyrim, when the player levels up and gets stronger, enemies follow the evolution of the player. The level of strength and health of the enemies is balanced with the level in which the player is. If the player is with level 20, all enemies are going to level 20 too. Is that how it works?

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