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Looking for a ver specific mod...


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Hi there,


I'm looking for a very specific type o mod, and was wondering if anyone knows of one in existence.


I'm looking for a mod that modifies the quest marker behaviour, that makes the quest markers appear only when you're a short distance from the location. I find the fact that you can always see the quest markers a bit immersion-killing.


I want to have to travel to a town and trek in a direction to try and locate the tomb, not have a marker leading me directly to it striaght away. I realized this when I was playing the Lost to the Ages quest - it was so much fun having to reference a journal to figure out where my objectives are.

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I just unclick the quest in the journal and most times the quest marker disappears


Yeah you can do that, but I was thinking more along the lines of marker not showing until you get like 50 meters from dungeon or whatever, would make it feel so much more rewarding to find your objective.


I have used a mod to remove the objective arrow from the Compass though, which sorta helps :p

Edited by Monkinsane
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you can remove the floating quest markers so that they only show on the map


just change this line in the skyrimprefs.ini under [Gameplay]





then you can use the map to get you to the general location without having the quest marker in you face all the time

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I'm unaware of mod that does as you describe, but there is two that I know of that will sort of help you out. The first is iHUD by Gopher, it makes your HUD more immersive and the part that will benefit your particular problem is the fact that you can toggle the compass which in turn disable all quest markers with a key on your keyboard instead of console commanding it. The other is less intrusive HUD, cant recall the author, his (or hers, you never know lol) completely overhauls the HUD in Skyrim letting you change each aspect of it. Hope this helps, I know how annoying immersion breaking can be.

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