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Females Using Male Armor Meshes


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I'm not sure what mod caused it but females are using the male cuirass mesh for some armors like steel and dwarven. I know there is somewhere you can set the file path for what mesh should be used for each armor I just can't remember where. Could anyone tell me where that is or another way to undo this?

Edited by Elwood288
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That is how it is in the vanilla game.


One option to fix this vanilla limitation is to use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (it's included EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp is the one that does the fixing). Another option for the steel armor is Female Steel Cuirass. I'm not aware of any option outside of EVE for the female dwarven armor problem.

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That is how it is in the vanilla game.


One option to fix this vanilla limitation is to use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (it's included EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp is the one that does the fixing). Another option for the steel armor is Female Steel Cuirass. I'm not aware of any option outside of EVE for the female dwarven armor problem.


Sorry to jump in.


Just want to add to the discussion:


"Vanilla Gear Redux" also fixes female armor versions:
And with the recently released addition:
"Vanilla Gear Redux-Seamless OCOv2 fix"
the neck-seem issue's are fixed.
Also VCR Redux imho includes a bunch of higher resolution/ (subjective opinion) way better looking versions than EVE.
Also just one *.esp included/ needed (while EVE has 3 included I believe?)
Only downside:
Merely one body type, while with EVE you can pick and choose HGEC body-types.
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Okay interesting. Well to respond to you both:


Striker that worked! I added the EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp and the issue was solved!


Wiepman: I use both vanilla gear redux and seamless. When I installed the esp Striker recomended I was warned that it had already been added by seamless. I didn't know there was a compatibility patch for the two mods. I'll have to go check that out.


Thanks to both of you.

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Okay interesting. Well to respond to you both:


Striker that worked! I added the EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp and the issue was solved!


Wiepman: I use both vanilla gear redux and seamless. When I installed the esp Striker recomended I was warned that it had already been added by seamless. I didn't know there was a compatibility patch for the two mods. I'll have to go check that out.


Thanks to both of you.


Were you using Mass Outfit Redesign.esp (from Vanilla Gear Redux or it's predecessor Mass Outfit Redesign) before? I'm not seeing any ESP included with any of the Seamless equipment variants I have downloaded.


@ Wiepman ... no need to appologize, I always maintain that more cooks make better meals. Yes at times it may lead to a chaotic kitchen, but if everyone works together what is tabled is really the bottom line. Personally I like getting new spins on things.

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@ Wiepman ... no need to appologize, I always maintain that more cooks make better meals. Yes at times it may lead to a chaotic kitchen, but if everyone works together what is tabled is really the bottom line. Personally I like getting new spins on things.




I just felt obliged to apologize for my intrusion.


Glad @Elwood288's issue is fixed.


But since I now got the opportunity to "speak" to you,


I wanted to let you know that I've learned so much

about the many potential additional use-cases for blockhead

(besides needed as a perquisite for OCO2)

by reading your in-depth tutorials here on the forums.


On the discussion-page linked to the mod "Melee Combat Additions",

we were discussing the possible usage of blockhead

for certain custom attack animations.


I've suggested some things on blockhead

(that I knew of) that might could be of assistance.


But since most if not all I know about blockhead is

from reading things you've been so kind to share here across the forums,

may I perhaps invite you to have a look at that discussion?


Because possibly you just may have additional insights

to share on the matter that we're not aware of yet?


The discussion we are having can be found here:




Thank you in advance!

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@ Wiepman ... no need to appologize, I always maintain that more cooks make better meals. Yes at times it may lead to a chaotic kitchen, but if everyone works together what is tabled is really the bottom line. Personally I like getting new spins on things.




I just felt obliged to apologize for my intrusion.


Glad @Elwood288's issue is fixed.


But since I now got the opportunity to "speak" to you,


I wanted to let you know that I've learned so much

about the many potential additional use-cases for blockhead

(besides needed as a perquisite for OCO2)

by reading your in-depth tutorials here on the forums.


On the discussion-page linked to the mod "Melee Combat Additions",

we were discussing the possible usage of blockhead

for certain custom attack animations.


I've suggested some things on blockhead

(that I knew of) that might could be of assistance.


But since most if not all I know about blockhead is

from reading things you've been so kind to share here across the forums,

may I perhaps invite you to have a look at that discussion?


Because possibly you just may have additional insights

to share on the matter that we're not aware of yet?


The discussion we are having can be found here:




Thank you in advance!



Thanks for the heads up Wiepman ... I stopped by the Melee Combat Additions discussion and added my two cents (probably not worth the full two cents when adjusted for inflation). I'll try to remember to peek in there from time to time.

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