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Mod Request: M.I.D.A.S. Hand Cannon


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This mod request is for a unique item.


The M.I.D.A.S. Hand Cannon is a golden shiny pistol that fires a golden beam at an enemy and turns them into a stiff statue of solid gold.

Upon being fired, the NPC, creature, or even device will turn into a golden statue with a flat gold platform sewn on the very bottom of their feet. Pick them up and you can sell them for 100,000 caps each, multiplied by the targets current level, and affects anything with a health bar pretty much.


M.I.D.A.S. Hand Cannon




Sights: Double Ghost Ring iron sights

Receiver: Advanced Golden Receiver

Clip: 30 round clip.

Ammo Type: 10MM

Range: 600,000 (It's a laser, should last a while before dying out, especially when it's brilliant bright gold)

Damage: 999,999,999,999,999 followed by instant gold-transmutation.

Recoil: None, the 10MM bullets turn into golden lasers.

Location: put it in a high security vault (no, not vault tec vaults, but ones meant to be symbols of actual greed under heavy protection, can't have some level 1 scrub running around with literally the most damaging pistol ever created.)

SFX: That of a literal hand cannon going off (In laymans terms: LOUD)

Rate of fire: 250 (Realism? What's next, a heated debate on if this thing is lore friendly?)

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