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Compatibility of mods


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For JSwords i use patch from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26230 and still have this warning message.

About About BreezeHome here what author said.


Info pertaining to BOSS errors:


As you're probably aware Skyrim has 2 file-types, esm's (Elder Scrolls Master Files) & esp's (Elder Scrolls Plugins), all mods, and probably the game itself, all start life as esp's and some (as in the main game files) then have an internal tag set to Master which means it can no longer be edited directly. Now, one rule to remember is that esm's cannot be modified by other esm's, the game will run both concurrently and the original will almost always win, the same also goes for esp's, you cannot modify an esp with another esp, and finally you cannot mod an esp with an esm, so it's basically a one way thing, you can only mod an esm with an esp!

So, because the house was originally built as an esp in which I made settings changes, such as where the original door now leads to, where the original house building now is etc. but once I changed the file to an esm those changes were ignored during run-time so I had to create an esp overlay to re-affirm those changes, those re-affirmations are what BOSS is calling "dirty edits".

As for the deleted nav-meshes, because the original Breezehome building has been moved I had to remove the nav-mesh that was originally on that particular piece of pathway otherwise you'd have npc's trying to walk through the side of the house!!

I tested extensively, running all over the city with followers in tow to make sure there were no undesired consequences of the changes to the nav-mesh and all is as it should be.

So as you can see, yes there are things that BOSS will tag as problems, but they are intentional.

I hope that explains things for you and you can use the mod without worrying!


bert ;-)

And i try clear save w/o any mods or addons. Still crash.

BOSS may or may not be updated to determine if you're using the right JSwords plugin, but it should be. Make sure you did overwrite the old plugin with the new one.


Bert should contact the BOSS team and let them know the situation. They're probably still swamped so it would take a while for them to update the Masterlist to not include these warnings. However, if you have a second .esp that for whatever reason modifies that NavMesh and it loads after Bert's BreezeHome, it's going to be an issue. Bert should include a warning and probably a list of incompatible mods (that at the very least should always load before his, if not, be avoided while using it). Additionally, I'm pretty sure Bert could have altered the existing NavMesh instead of outright deleting it. He could have properly moved/removed the pathing planes and entrance.


If you're crashing with absolutely no mods/textures installed, then it's either a .ini setting, a corrupted file, or a hardware/driver issue.


Try reverting your .ini's (cut and paste them to a temporary location; open the Skyrim Launcher and it should make new .ini's; then test [if you've altered uGridsToLoad you'll need to take special steps to revert it]).


Verify the integrity of the game cache through Steam. This will find and replace any possibly corrupted files. It should always find and download 1 file to update unless they've fixed that (if you get zero or one, this was not the issue).


If neither of the above work, check your drivers, motherboard BIOS, Overclock Settings, etc. If it's none of those, try running the Windows Memory Diagnostic. Do the most thorough scan it has available and if it finds any issues, post back and I'll be happy to give you further troubleshooting tips.

Edited by MShoap13
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It not about hardware, Breezhome or Jeysus swords

The problem was in

Find of what it was Realistic Lighting Overhaul or ClimatesOfTamriel when i disable this mods no crash at all

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Then it must be in the wrong place in your load order. RLO should be just below the HighResTexturePacks, below RLO should be climates of Tamriel. I have used both, always updating, since they were released and have never encountered a problem.

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Being new to modding makes things very difficult, especially when you have a lot of wild/dirty edits and you have no idea wth to do with it all - or random CTDs. There are some inconsistencies between Improved Combat Sounds and Enhanced Blood mod in your list as well, I manually patched mine.


Right now I have ~400 packages listed with 219 esm/esps installed. Being new myself, I would suggest starting out with S.T.E.P. or Skyrim Revisited if you want to mod heavily. Those particular setups might not suit you best, but they do help you understand how to set them up properly, patch between complex mod setups, and troubleshoot issues.

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