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Lock/prevent certain items from being sold?


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I apologize if this mod already exists, if so please refer me to it as I cannot find it. If not, the most time consuming thing with all fallout games is when I am selling items and I am afraid I may sell something I like or need. I have to carefully look at everything that I am selecting to be sold. It would be the best thing every if there was a mod to mark certain items from being sold unless I unmark them. Or perhaps even have them not appear on the screen to be sold. That way I can just sell all of my useless items while keeping the ones I want in a couple of seconds versus spending minutes to sort everything. Thank you.

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This might sort of be possible, but my understanding of the inventory system is that there is no way to get the actual object your cursor is on*. So it would have to be based on base objects, in which case you would never be able to sell any of that type of object. So if you wanted to make your modded Service Rifle safe, you wouldn't be able to sell any service rifles. That kind of defeats the purpose.


I could make a mod to do this, but that would be the limitation. There might maybe be a workaround I could attempt, but it would take me days minimum to implement it and see if it works, and I've got other projects I've committed to already.

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Set ownership. The vendor will not sell anything owned by someone else (at least not the honest ones).

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Great thanks for the replies please let me know if you decide to do this. Heh, I feel weird as I am a 12 year web developer and create scripts for so many people who request a million things, and this time I am the guy making the requests with a coding language I do not know :smile:

Edited by davidmanner30
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