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Who is your Fallout character?


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This is Renare.


She likes dressing up, keeping a well-organized home, and people.




She also REALLY loves garden gnomes. A typical meal consists of whiskey and Sugar Bombs.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Martin, "Hi! My name is Martin, Martin Conroy, and this is my friend, Angelica."


Angelica, "Hello."


Martin, "We're 9 years old and I've just finished researching a book for Miss Moira. After that Angel n' me got a sweet gig in Grayditch exterminating some bugs for a kid down there. Piece 'o pie!"


Angelica, "...cake."


Martin, "Piece o' cake! We've heard tell of some places in the Wasteland just sittin' around waitin' for somebody to explore them. And that's us! We've got a knapsack full of PB n' J's, two swell rifles with plenty of ammunition and a big attitude. So look out Supermutants! We're graduates of Springvale Elementary and we take no prisoners. S'long everybody!"


Angelica, "Bye."







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This is Renare.

She also REALLY loves garden gnomes. A typical meal consists of whiskey and Sugar Bombs.

Looks like they're guarding your place. Leprechauns make good guards. They have a tendency to cause physical damage if shot at. Plus they're cooler than gnomes (and teddy bears) :P

Edit: Come to think of it, if the above gnomes were Leprechauns by shooting one it should start off a chain reaction up there in the penthouse. That'd be fun to watch. I'll try that ;D




After the original save refused to...save, and level up from 7 to 8, I started her again. Her name is Kat because that's the only name I could think of at the time. She's Hispanic, a Talon Merc (FWE/Alternate Start) and prefers only male followers. No bimbos in this gang :wink:


We found a stool in the middle of nowhere. Looks like someone stole the table, though:






This image is also in the gallery here. Kat & Teddy:


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  • 2 years later...

I need someone to kill.



Someone is about to lose their head.




My associate always wears proper attire.



Looks like someone from The Matrix :thumbsup:

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