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Who is your Fallout character?


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Here is mine, his nickname is Leo after Leonidas. He is an alien that traveled to earth, to see if it could be salvaged. He found a woman to whom follows him and he use's her to understand things better. He's a master in melee combat and prefers to talk rather than kill, but when angered his rage is unstoppable.


He use's a breathing mask because the radiation has a way of altering how he acts and looks. He is currently wearing plain clothing but looking to upgrade, because where he comes from its better to be clean, this is just his style.



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Meet Roland, the supposed Last hope for Humanity.




Although he certianly doesn't look the part, Roland is a rather nice guy. That doesn't mean that he isn't violent; it simply means that the bloodbaths he tends to engage in consist of raiders, supermutants, and the Talon Company. His standard weaponry includes a revolver, a sniper rifle, and a shotgun custom-built to irradiate pellets as they leave the barrel and enter some poor sap's torso.


He's actually picked up quite a few allies on his travels -- his current troupe consists of Charon, a pet bear, an infant Deathclaw, and Bumble. Going on an adventure, indeed.

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yeah,he's so nice he even beat the hell out of that rock behind him until it bled! lol.. i've got like 6 different chars i'd like to post an image of but the image script says to post a URL and i haven't uploaded any pics to any sites yet. can one of you tell me how you guys do it so can post too?
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yeah,he's so nice he even beat the hell out of that rock behind him until it bled! lol.. i've got like 6 different chars i'd like to post an image of but the image script says to post a URL and i haven't uploaded any pics to any sites yet. can one of you tell me how you guys do it so can post too?



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My character is pretty lazy. Sits around in his underwear all day, doesn't get out much.... Smokes a lot of pot tho.



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